Showing posts with label blouse. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blouse. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

My eco printed wearables 植物印染服飾

I've lots and lots of fabrics experiments on eco print &dye.  Some are good some are not.  Some scraps are just the size of a small scarf.  I've to make use of them ....... These couple of days I turned them to my wearables.  
 The blouse on the top is printed of eucalyptus (silver dollar), acer, maple, rose leaves.  
做了一塊又一塊的布料植 物印染實驗, 有漂亮的也有不什滿意的, 擱在一邊不如做些衣物, 就此我便簡單的做件上衣及褲子. 我懶沒有做準確的量度尺寸, 祗是把舊衣疊上剪裁, 時下興鬆身, 自己穿, 沒打緊吧. 這幾件料子就是以桉樹葉、 玫瑰葉、 楓葉及一些不知名的葉子加熱印上的.
 A scarf printed with unknown leaves.  A pant of rose leaves.
 Scarf with a wool felt closure

 Scarf and pant printed with rose leaves
 Collar necklace printed with eucalyptus
 How did I make it?  Well.......  My facebook friend Delia from Argentina sent me some dried acer, maple leaves.  I printed them also with my euc and rose leaves.
 Close up of the prints
 I simply put my current blouse over the fabric, cut it in two pieces.   Sewed the front and back. That's it.
Made a pant with my cotton prints with all rose leaves.  

Rose leaves are always my fav. Love to dip some in iron water to make shades of green.  A silk scarf is made with it.

 A small scarp of unknown leaves from the back of the hill, turned to a small scarf.  That's good for the shoulders in air-cond room.
 A cotton top bought from outlet less than 0.5 euro.  Good price but no good for prints.  Tried twice with leaves prints, no way.  Discard it is a waste. Goes well with a bright collar printed with euc.
 All known cloth is our second skin.  We can make it as pretty as we can or just leave it of natural materials - no color.  Played magic to turn it with some color, subtle or organic........ Whatever it is appreciated.  
Beauty is skin deep but my second skin will last longer.
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