Showing posts with label Pamela A MacGregor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pamela A MacGregor. Show all posts

Friday, June 5, 2015

"Swirl" vessel " 旋風瓶子

 Versatility of wool is amazing. Ever since I encountered wool felt I almost hooked.  When I discovered other brilliant artists' works I was fascinated by the alchemy of turning wool into textile 3D shapes. Two years ago I went to Pamela A MacGregor's studio to learn tea pot making.  Every time when I see ceramic pots, vases, bowls... I come up all the possibilities of making 3D wool felt sculptures of the same sorts. 
 Last year I visited Israel Museum, the exhibits of ancient pots were most impressive .

 I decided to make my wool felt pot with the inspiration came from those exhibits.
I used Finnish wool,  mulberry silk and yarns for two-sided textures. 

 After some rounds of "rock n roll", removed the resist and took the handy tools for the fulling.
 All full, ready to cut off  both sides to show the textures.

Side one texture of "swirl" made of  Finnish wool.  The other side cut off to show the yarns.
 Embellished with banyan tree air roots.  

My latest work "Swirl"

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Seasons theme wool felt teapots 四季系列羊毛茶壺

Set of my four different teapots. 

Spring of green field and sprout popping out
Summer of lavender field
Autumn of birches with crisp yellow leaves
Winter of flame on wood

Since I've done a few wool felt teapots (last post), I wanted to make a season series. 
 Added to it is Winter.  
 Winter is cold, flame is hot.  A burning pot fills a room cozy with steam and hot air.  That's why I think of a burning pot for winter.

  I made it with a single enclosed resist. Upper is a teapot and bottom is the burning wood.    I  put some white silk strings and mulberry silk as ashes and smoke.  Put a few onion dyed Teeswater curly fleece and red dyed Wensleydale curls as fire or flame.

Here it comes......The finished look of a teapot on a burning wood

Both sides look

I made the Winter theme of a burning teapot as I remember when I was young we went hiking or wild camps,  we used to carry with us a metal pot to set fire with wood on the rocks to make noodles or rice.

Nowadays we live in the urban and country parks are well built with cement BBQ stoves.  People are not bother to carry lots of stuff for cooking.  We're in Hong Kong with high rises in urban.  Much of Hong Kong's  terrain is hilly and mountainous.  Only 30-min away I'm up from my place in the mountain to have this good view but wildfire is not allowed.

This wool felt teapot is not only an ornament, I want it a  functional storage.

Mogi, "Hmmmmm, a storage for my treats ?!"

A flower holder is a good decoration.  

Whatever it serves is fun to make

Of the seasons theme, I like the most is this one first made in Pamela A MacGregor's workshop since the wool used is Finn.  It felts so well.  Quite firm and sturdy.  I just ordered a lot to do more 3D creations.
There're lots of my creations in my facebook page - TerLing Creations.  Please feel free to browse.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

My cup of tea - Teapot making 我愛這杯茶

Mogi, "hey, this is Mum's cup of tea."

 Right after my workshop learning the wool felt teapot making from Pamela A. MacGregor (Tarvey Cottage Studio) a month ago, I really hooked in the creation and made a few as practice.
 自上月從美國 Pamela A. MacGregor 學會製作很特別技巧的立體羊毛茶壺, 回來後我樂此不疲的做了幾款, 為的是練習及尋找羊毛的可塑性. 終於找到我這杯茶........
This one was made in Pamela's studio, the first one I learnt in early winter in Ohio. Intended to make it with little green and a sprout to expect spring.  Know it's snow storm and everywhere covered with inches of snow.  The grasses are now frozen !
Got inspired by Suzanne Higgs I made two teapots with lace.  Well, they felted and clear on white.

This pair of "black & white" are tiny.  I'm quite happy to work with this size.
This one,  Aladdin teapot.  Idea came from Judy L.  She gave me this little souvenir after her trip to Dubai.  I put some silk strings and yarns for decoration.

This set made earlier with some Wenslaydale curly fleece to have textural surface.

This purple one I made with some yarns embellished to have the look of "lavender field"

Stopper with Wenslaydale curly fleece and embellished with glass beads.

Though wool teapots are not functional, I made them for fun.   This one the mouth is a bit bigger, I put a jam jar inside as flower pot.

Smaller one for a rose

"Hmmmmm, fragrance I love....  I know it's mum's cup of tea"

Aladdin  teapot with removal stopper 

Making teapot is absolutely wonderful.  I love the little sturdy objects, love the versatility of 3D making, embellishment and the combination with fibres and fabrics. 

I really enjoyed so much the workshop with Pam.  Her techniques are awesome, her studio is wonderful.  Here's my previous post about the studio.
I've a facebook page, please visit and comments welcome.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Workshops in Canada preparation 北美之行備課

Mogi, " I'm a mobile display with no pay, mum always treats me like that.  Can I say no?"
"It looks ok but a bit shades would be good."
"Alright, I'll do other bundles." 
Ok ok, let me do my way........Here comes a few samples....... 

Before and after look
I put some rose leaves and eucalyptus on silk to bundle boil.  With some iron mordant I got shades and outlines. 

Another piece of silk covered with cotton fabric, pretty mirror prints.  Silk got color while cotton got shades of purple to dark but clear.

Mogi, " hmmmmm, this looks good......"

I was invited to run workshops in Canada next month. 
A series of workshops will be held in Langley, BC during 25/11 - 30/11.  I will teach natural prints on silk scarf, 3D wool felt hollow vessel and clutch with 3D textural flap.  Below are samples I made for the workshops.
為準備11月底在加拿大的天然印染及一連串羊毛工作坊, 近日忙於製作課堂樣本, 現在一切就緒, 此北美之行, 寓旅遊於教學、會友及交流 , 深信又是一個不一樣的旅程 !
Natural prints on silk scarf, wool felt flower and bracelet
 3D hollow vessel

Wool felt clutch with 3D texture
Interested parties please email organiser 
I'm thrilled for my trip to North America, not only for the workshops I'll run, but also to learn from renowned artist Pamela A. MacGregor in Ohio for wool felt teapot.  Also to meet brilliant artists Dawn Edwards, Suzanne P Higgs, Ginny Huber......... I'm already in full swing.

Rich imprints with leaves of rose, eucalyptus, mandarin and other unknown.
Have a good day until next

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