在加州的羊毛混絲戟絨工作坊使我眼界大開, 回來馬上做一些實習, 現在滿腦點子. Vilte Kazlauskaite 和 Irit Dulman 不愧是大師, 學生在他們指導下製作出各式各樣的作品, 其實學員中有好幾位已是業內的表表者, 能夠與他們同場學習, 獲益良多.
After the marvelous workshops in Pacific Grove, Monterey, my head is full of inspiration. Can't wait to do some experiments with the techiques learnt.This post captures the gorgeous works by students who broadened my horizon in nuno felt and eco print. Indeed some of them are already renowned in the field. Such a good moment to share.......

Pity for my friend Melinda's illness I took her place on the first day to refresh myself the skills of "beyond the surface". Sample scarfs with the fancy ruffles and flowers were made. Glad she's in good shape now.
Class started in the spacious room
Class started in the spacious room
After samples of wild fleece manipulation and the dresses made, time for "road show" .....

Ama and our amazing teachers Vilte and Irit
Pretty Raisa
Confident Marilou in her eco print coat
Awesome sculptured wrap
Doris' unique design
Nika's shawl with textural and color after dyed is wonderful

Nina's chic coat with wild fleece !
My white vest after eco print with euc leaves
My piece with wild fleece manipulated
The shawl with sculptured surface is what I wanted to learn
Irit briefed us the eco print methods and layout
Hunting for our treasures
Unbundled my eco print scarf with local leaves
My wild fleece and sculptured shawls dyed in onion skin and euc pots
A few of our group
We're busy to capture the pretty dresses after the workshop
On my last day, I woke up in the early morning and walked to the beach just wanted to see the stunning sunrise.....
Listen to the voice of wave.......
Still at the other side......
My days in California was brimming with loads of friendship, met my fb friends in real, new skills of nuno felt and eco print. I'm addicted....... can't stop doing more and more experiments. Got inspired of wool felt and natural print / dye.
在陽光燦爛, 風光如畫的 Monterey 學習, 與 fb 朋友見面...... 好一個豐盛之旅 !
Linking with fromdreamtoreality