我用羊毛加植物印染做了一個筆記簿的書皮, 女兒說很漂亮特別, 我說喜歡的隨便取去用, 她說她不用筆記簿, 用不著哩。 現今電子數碼年代, 他們也少用記事簿; 更惶論執筆寫信, 這小簿子留待愛寫文字的知音人好了。
I made the book cover with nuno felt and plant prints. I tried eucalyptus leaves and a few unknown types of leaves. Outcome is not that bright or bold. I sewed it on a book cover.
Embellished with a nuno felt tag. Thought this looks better.
The eucalyptus leaves effect is a bit clear, others not.
The touch is so soft. It's good for a personal use.
In a digital era people find email is more efficient and direct. But I still have a few friends whom I communicate via letters. I also keep all my good friends' letters from the start. We treasure the hand written words. Some are using fountain pens. Oh, it implies we're old??!!
Very often I receive postcards from friends while they're travelling.
I've got many postcards. They're so beautiful and each has it's memory from friends. My sitting room used to have a big mirror but it got dirts from the other side. So I put the postcards over it. When I look at it, I know who sent me and how they enjoyed their holiday.
Oh, Mogi is too fat and slided down !
I appreciate handwritten letters. My father wrote me letters when I was young. He encouraged me and gave me advices through my life. I still keep his letters. Time flies, it's decades ago. Nice to re-read the letters over a cup of tea. My colleague Irene gave me the roses tea. Hummm.... fragrance of roses.

The touch is so soft. It's good for a personal use.

My friend Sue, from America made me a stitched pillow cover with the letter "T" - my initial. Good to enclose the special letters with it.
This wool felt coverd book who would find it useful? I hope it'll go to someone who appreciates hand writing.

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