This chiffon scarf was made of eco dye with eucalyptus leaves. My second trial to use this sort of leaves.這是我的第二次嘗試用桉樹葉做的植物印染.

Just love the effect of this bright and solid red. Can't stop to do more and more. This piece is specially for Amy - my very good classmate since in high school. We cherish each other. Last Tue we catched up and went to Ma Wan for a walk. 很喜愛這鮮艷亮麗的效果, 這是特別送給 Amy 的. Amy 是自我初中時的好同學好朋友, 我們不時聚舊, 談工作, 說家庭瑣事. 上星期我們即興去馬灣溜灘頭吃午飯, 看看今日島上柏麗灣的環境.
Aerial view of Ma Wan with bridges linked to the airport.
Ma Wan (click to read the history) is an island in the southeast of Hong Kong. Before 1995 it was a fishing village with a population of about 800. Now is a private housing estate, villagers are rehoused with developer's compensated package on the island. Only stilt houses with fish raising and a few ruins. There're always controversal topics between conservertory and redevelopment.
在90年中馬灣仍是一個有 800多人口的漁村, 隨著地產商大力發展私人樓宇, 漁民遷入發展商興建劃一的平房, 看來居住有所改善. 現在海邊祗有少數養魚排及島上天后廟原整保存. 舊有村落的保育或私人地產發展項目近年成為爭議性的議題.

In the breezy afternoon, we strolled along the sea front then had lunch in a Thai restaurant. 和風下在灘頭的泰國餐廳吃午飯.
Yummy dishes of green curry with garlic bread and fried chicken curry noodle.

We opened the chatter box, talked about work, about family and endless trivial things..... Ah, with our Nuno doll listening to us..... ~.~ .
After the relaxing time, we called it a day and headed to the floral market to buy some plants. I was elated to have found some eucalyptus leaves at a bargain price. I know this sort can make bright color. I told Amy if I'm succeeded I'll do a scarf with this eco-print for her. 離開馬灣我們往花虛買花, 無意中見到這種桉樹葉, 我從網上知道這是有鮮明效果的印染, 當然要買回家. 我說如果成功的話, 我會做一塊絲巾給 Amy.

Can't believe these green leaves can give such amazing bold prints. The leftover is in the corner for decoration.

I also bought some plant and hang it in my balcony now. Amy bought some roses. Thought Amy's roses were blooming. I'm happy to see my plants thriving.

When I back home I immediately done with my "hunt". I first soaked the chiffon in diluted vinegar for a minute then put the eucalyptus leaves over the chiffon, the brown branches were eucalyptus barks I picked from a park weeks ago. I laid the composition like this. 就是這樣把葉排好, 放在預先浸過稀釋醋, 以電鍋蒸30分鐘, 待一晚拆開.

Bundled it and steamed in a cooker for about 30-min. Stayed in the pot overnight.

Unwrapped it and hung it dry in air.

I felted with merino wool on both ends. Here's the pretty scarf. I'm quite satisfied with this soft and bright look.
Nowadays with the mass production, we can get wearables at cheap price. I still like to hand make presents to good friends. I enjoy the moment of making special things with heart and love.

I also find it looks like Japanese style prints. Amy, I know you have passion of Japan. Hope you'll love this. 很鮮艷的顏色, 我的鋪排正是想要好像日本花卉的效果. Amy, 我知你鍾情日本, 希望你喜歡我這份親手製作的絲巾.

Comparion of laying, unwrapping and the real prints.
Wondering why the green leaves can do the so bright and bold prints. I've to dig and explore. 很奇妙, 何以青綠的葉子會做出鮮紅的所染 ?! 我要發掘發掘.