Ever since two years ago encountered wool felting, I almost hooked and have made quite a lot stuff. I wanted to explore further with new skills. My inception of wool clothing was only for winter. Until I found Vilte, a Lithuania artist via Vaida. I was impressed with Vilte’s stunning designs of nuno felt dresses – light, thin and transparent that suits all seasons. Vilte uses particles of wool, silk and other natural materials to transform fabrics and fibers into stunning wearable art. Her seamless wedding gowns, tops and dresses are master pieces and definitely what I expect to make. Vilte will have a nuno felt dress making workshop in Holland in April. Without hesitation I signed up and will fly off to Holland on 7 April. I’m so excited to follow the prominent artist. Taking the chance in Holland I’ll visit a couple of friends and colleagues. I’ve a passion of Holland. I work for a Dutch company. Love the canals, love the flowers and love cycling. I hope to do cycling in the Friesland pasture…….. will certainly share the fun when I return. 對羊毛氈工藝與日俱增, 自兩年前接觸這工藝便愛不釋手, 雖然已有多樣制作, 我希望多嚐試多創意, 一向以為羊毛祗可做暖暖寒衣, 原來與其他物料混合氈化後更可做出「 輕 、薄、 透」無 縫 的夏日 時尚衣飾. 機緣巧合, 知道有一位立陶苑藝術家 Vilte 四月份在荷蘭菲士蘭有一個 nuno felt dress 工作坊, 正正是我期待的技巧研習, 豈容錯過? 太愛荷蘭這花之國度, 下星期去荷蘭上課之餘亦會探訪同事朋友及踏單車, 賞賞花 ….. 回來一定與有興趣 的朋友分享...

How exciting for you! I hope you learn many new things that you can use in your own felting. I have only been to Holland twice, both times when I was a child. I hope you enjoy your time there!
ReplyDeleteOh Terri arent they just beautiful, i'm looking forward to seeing some of your own wearable creations :)
ReplyDeleteHow exciting for you!! I can not wait to see what you will create soon! These are very pretty and so artistic forms of fashion. No wonder you love her work!!
ReplyDelete哇,好羡慕啊!那里的生活一定会很写意。想想我也都替你开心了,呵呵呵。Take more photos for us, i'm so excited for you!
ReplyDeleteTerrie, what a lucky girl you are that you can follow your heart's delight and jet off to Holland for a class! I can't wait to see the magical creations you will make. Have a wonderful adventure!
ReplyDeletex, Val
Thanks gals. I'm so delighted for my upcoming trip and will surely post my work on return.
ReplyDeleteterriea I really hope you will hav a faboulous stay and ofcourse the workshop will be the cherry on top of the cake ... wanted to go too, but was too hard to arrange... have fun and show us what you made!!
ReplyDeleteYou must be so excited to be going to Holland, what a lucky lady you are! I can't wait to see what you learn and bring back to show us. Have a safe trip, and above all, enjoy yourself ♥
ReplyDeleteOh, you lucky girl, you!!
ReplyDeleteI know you'll have a wonderful trip and I can't wait to see what you make upon your return home!!!
Have fun!! XXO-
Hi Terri, enjoy your trip and hope you find lots of creative inspiration. Will look forward to seeing your progress on this type of felting. :-)
ReplyDeleteWoW! Terriea,
ReplyDeleteEnjoy your trip! Please show me your work later on. Feel excited already ^0^