Showing posts with label DIY 布袋. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DIY 布袋. Show all posts

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Cat prints 貓語

Cat walk -  can you see it ?

These days I've only cats and leaves in my mind - even doing eco prints with the idea of cats.  After I can control the leaf prints I started to sketch a picture with leaves and made it a tote bag.
這些日子鍥而不捨的要做到好一點的植物印染, 經過無數次的嘗試與失敗, 終於在老公大人的提點後在鐵質媒染上控制到清晰的效果, 他取笑說我日以繼夜, 夜以繼日的 "剪布" 做實驗 !  我想像用葉子構圖做了這個絲質布袋, 你看到
"叢林中的貓兒" 嗎?
A tote bag is made with both sides botanic prints, the top and the handles are also of eco prints.  I call this " A cat walking in the brush".

The cat shape is indeed cut from euc leaf

Below is how I made it 

Open the mirror fold
 All leaves are iron mordant except the middle one of orange

 Made two bundles.  See the different cats.

 I'm quite pleased with this experiment - bold, strong and sharp.
Cats cats cats, Mogi is my inspiration. 

This tote bag is small but still good for grocery shopping or whatever purposes.
I'm addicted to botanic prints. Spent quite some efforts and materials on experiments, not only to myself. When I almost daunted my husband gave me lots advice on iron mordant.  Without his support I wouldn't have achieved this pleasing outcome.  Thanks also for his gift of many yards of silk fabric on my birthday.  
On my day, I pamper myself a 3-week to Spain / Portugal for the wool extravagaza and get together with brilliant friends.
Hit my road tomorrow but not with Mogi....

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Make it a bag 植物印染布袋

Mogi, "Mum made a tote bag with her eco printed fabric."

"She laid out assorted euc leaves and rose leaves.
What?   Make a face? "

I put the leaves on a 100% silk fabric. Euc leaves for ears, eyes, stalk peels of rose for the head outlines.  Two-fold wrapped and boiled in water with a little vinegar for an hour.  Unbundled and sewed a tote bag. 

Mogi, "Mum, it doesn't look like me. Christine S. said it looks like a panda rather than a cat !"
It doesn't matter, just for fun to have a pattern bag.  I made the bag with lining (scraps of curtain samples) and straps (cotton dyed in my Portugal workshop last).
A finished look of two-side bag
A bag for carrying books, for grocery ..... anything as l like.

Another smaller bag also made with eco prints for my friend "IL".  I gave her two years ago a bag with painting.  I know it's washed out.  Just wanted to give her a new one. 
With the lining and inner pocket written - "I'm Original - tk"
Straps are waist strap from used coat

The fabric and leaves are soaked in alum. So prints are a bit yellowish. 
Wish "IL" loves this bag
We're into summer.  Mogi, it's so hot for holding you around but you do inspire me creation!
Linking with fromdreamtoreality
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