Showing posts with label nuno felt tunic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nuno felt tunic. Show all posts

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Tutelage of nuno felt tunic 學生混纖雪紡羊毛上衣

 Since I encountered nuno felt making I almost hooked to the elegant textures on chiffon or silk wearable.  People in our tropical Hong Kong are not quite know about such versatility of wool.  When I told them the summer wearable art piece is made with wool they're puzzled and curious for the making and asked if it's too hot. I said not really.  It's airy and thin.
混纖羊毛成衣尤其是優雅質感又輕且薄的夏日衣裳一向是我喜愛的製作, 但我少有開班教授, 今日我特別教授一位來自澳門很聰敏的學生 Mei, 因為她對羊毛手藝已很有經驗, 輕鬆的幾小時她便完成一件自己合身的混纖羊毛上衣
After I posted my sweet neighbor and the baby dresses I made,  I got some inquiries of teaching.  I'm not keen to teach locally for adult's nuno felt dresses but for little girls are ok. 
Only today I was willing to have a tutelage with an enthusiastic student Mei from Macau.
 Mei is already quite good in wool felting but the first time in making nuno felt wearable.  I taught her to make a tunic so that she can do a prolonged dress by herself after it.  The 3D flowery  textures, seamless and draping are the focus of teaching.
We're supposed to make it in my open yard but of the rainy day, we worked inside.
 Mei is talented and picks up so quickly.  In a few hours of relaxing wool layering, rubbing and rolling........
 here came the nuno felt tunic
Well done girl, thanks for coming the long way from Macau
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