Each of different sides of which the leather pockets are made of botanical prints while the whole bag is still of dyed leather.
This one is a failed print which shrunk too much almost half the original size but the "wave of shrunken texture" is unique so I just sewed it as it is for the external pockets.
I bought a few hides in a local shop at very cheap price but after a trial found it's no good for eco printing as after heating it shrunk half the size and hard as a weapon. It's better just to do cold tie dye with natural extracts.
Sewed the inner pocket with the canvas printing and dismantled the handles and zipper from the wore out bag for the up-cycle making.
Tote bags of all leather, soft and unique also with inner and outer pockets. It's roomy and practical. This special one I made for my daughter's mother-in-law. Today a leisure walk to the seashore where my studio located.
A gift of handmade tote bag is a touch of love. I embellished with a ceramic button knot made it a two-styled bag.
Carry it to the seashore and listening to the wave......
Thought this is something represents what I am doing. From ceramic making, wool felting to eco printing. Whenever I am asked what's my current profession. I would show my style that's why I always wearing in my way with own creation.
Botanical imprints on leather is interesting. If you can source reliable hides you can make colorful, soft and impressive printing. I have instant download pdf tutorial of making leather botanical imprints you may find interested.
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