Botanical imprints from workshop just made. It's a planned workshop since Feb but postponed a few times due to Covid19. We've just made it with a bunch of enthusiastic participants from NGOs.
........greeting by "little white". How I love cats !
A glimse of the workshop.........greeting by "little white". How I love cats !

It's a 1.5 days botanical imprints workshop with mordant and printing skills. First started by introducing my sample prints of rayon.
Then a pretty participant to show the silk jersey sample with indigo dyes and botanical printing.
We're lucky to have a well organiser Ming, who is familiar with the neigbourhood and knows well the villagers (Lung Yeuk Tau 龍躍頭). A private garden well maintained by owner Mr Lee next to the studio is amazing with all sorts of printable plants. The couple are so nice to show us around and encouraged us to pick any sorts of plants and flowers.
With a handful plants from the garden and bunch of flowers from florist we started the making......
Rayon mordanted overnight.
Layout of plants
Concentrated working on...
Will that dill fragrance remind your taste bud?
After layout then bundling. Team work to tie it more tightly.
After 1.5 hours heating the outcome hanging dry and the images speak themselves......
Bright yellow onion skin
Discharge of nandina (南天竺)
Ferns, oxalis, nandina, flowers.....
Eucalyptus leaf of two sides printout
Nandina and euc cinerea
Those plants have no pigments as resist prints
Big leaf of macaranga tanarius (血桐)
All finished in a fine day and happy to shot in such natural ambiance.
Thank you so much for the lovely ladies, particularily renowned artist Evelyna Liang for connecting my workshop with Ming who worked hard behind.
The villages - Lung Yeuk Tau (five walled villages and six villages 五圍六村) is only 45-min drive from my urban apartment but I have never been before. It's worth for a cultural and heritage visit.
After the workshop I grasped the chance strolling around. Sure next
time I must explore the villages by bike. I am so in love of the area
and the scenery.