YaLing is one of my students in Taiwan. She's very enthusiastic of natural printing and wool felting and invited me for one-on-one tutelage twice. She's very generous and so kind that I cherish very much our friendship. I just wanted to reciprocate her hospitality by making something special and functional. So I printed the fabrics and sewed a series of pouches for her.
YL 是我其中一位很好學熱誠的台灣學生,她對植物印染及纖維創作的熱忱兩度邀請我親往教學,安排上一𢇁不苟,體貼細緻,實在很感動。為表謝意,我為她製作了一系列植物印染包包,我愛親手弄禮品送給我喜歡的人,雖然坊間可以很便宜買到更精美設計的大小包包,我仍是真摯地手作送予會欣賞心思的人。包裹日前收到後YL 馬上給我她在公園𢹂著包包的影子,很可愛的女生。
Layout of plants on fabric with appropriate mordants for fabulous effects I learned from Irit Dulman. This image of "before & after" with different species of eucalyptus, onion skins and yellow Tithonia (Mexican sunflower 五爪金英)YaLing also knew how to make it now.
The cotton "iron carrier" has the mirror prints but not the same color tone as on wool. Prints on cotton is darker with flower shapes while on wool is more bright. It's pretty to do something with the cotton prints.
I sewed a simple tote bag with the ready made handles. That's it.
Finished the tote bag then used the remnant of the same fabric I sewed a smaller pouch with zipper.
The pouch printed with the leaf of Tithonia too.
I've a bigger piece of silk prints with sumac done before. I sewed with handle straps and inner pocket so that it can be folded for easy storage.

YaLing gave me some beautiful handmade papers from Taiwan. I treasure them so much.
They can be pages for art journal or blank greeting cards.
A set of natural printed pouches was mailed to Taiwan last week.
YaLing received with surprise and sent me immediately the photos she took during lunch break.
Nowadays the mass production of pouches in market is very cheap. Who would like to spend hours in making? However I like handmade gifts for special ones. I know they would appreciate the thoughtfulness of the maker.