With organic vegetable from friend's garden and Dutch cheese from bike ride, I enjoyed the light and healthy meal after a 35km ride along the stunning coastal route with our energetic team.
這日與單車隊友從沙田騎行至西貢市中心, 途經馬鞍山,烏溪沙, 沿西沙公路左轉蠔涌及輋下村灘頭, 兩日前我在不同潮汐漲退時間探路, 以下圖片可見不同景致比較, 個人建議來回程也去灘頭一遊, 可看到 不一樣的潮汐美景.
Last Saturday a team of 6 started the ride from Shatin to Sai Kung.
First stop at Wu Kai Sha pier
We rode along Ma On Shan bike route to Sai Sha leisurely.
Soon we arrived at the beautiful shore of Nai Chung
到達泥涌海邊, 雖已入夏, 涼風習習, 爽 !
到達泥涌海邊, 雖已入夏, 涼風習習, 爽 !
A day before the riding I was here in Nai Chung.
Different times of tide up and down, views are different.
The above at noon with clear stone steps and the sandbar.
同一泥涌景點, 潮退與潮漲的不一樣景致.
同一泥涌景點, 潮退與潮漲的不一樣景致.
In the clear day we can see Pat Sin Leng in the further.
The same pier of different tides down in Nai Chung with rough rocks formation.
After the pier we forwarded along the path
Headed forward after a few minutes, turned left to Che Ha village to the sea shore
Along the path soon be there......
Undulating mountains and clear water.
來到輋下村經林中小路盡頭便見海邊, 又是不同潮汐的景致.
Beautiful sandbar while tides down
Behind is Saddle Ridge
we're here.......a stop for shots then go ahead.....
歇一歇, 在此打卡, 騎遊山水間.
歇一歇, 在此打卡, 騎遊山水間.
Riding along Sai Sha Road is not that hard. Only a while of steep up and down.
西沙來回西貢市中心祗有很小段暗斜, 上下也不難騎 .
注意: 星期日及公衆假期西沙至西貢道路禁止單車騎行
We arrived Sai Kung town centre at noon
經過西貢海濱公園來到市中心 再穿過對面海小村, 繞過西貢水警署折返.
這程從大學站去西貢市中心來回35公里, 很一輕鬆的一轉.
Parked the bikes in this restaurant for a delicate lunch with wine taste then a short ride in the market where we've free taste of assorted Dutch cheese. I found the herbal cheese delicious and bought home for my light dinner.
我們就在這餐廳享用精緻午餐, 試一點紅酒後在一荷蘭芝士專門店品嚐不同味道芝士, 買下一款香濃香草味的回家, 即晚做了一份清簡芝士飯餐.
我們就在這餐廳享用精緻午餐, 試一點紅酒後在一荷蘭芝士專門店品嚐不同味道芝士, 買下一款香濃香草味的回家, 即晚做了一份清簡芝士飯餐.
Almost every week I like to do hiking and biking. With my teams we can explore new routes and get fit !
To make the simple and healthy meal is easy. I like to do with electric rice cooker.
Half cup of rice, a tomato, tumeric powder, garlic pepper, dried thyme, basil, salt and egg After cooked I slice the egg, little olive oil, sunflower seeds and dried cherries as well slice of cheese. That's my simple and healthy meal after a 35km ride.
Half cup of rice, a tomato, tumeric powder, garlic pepper, dried thyme, basil, salt and egg After cooked I slice the egg, little olive oil, sunflower seeds and dried cherries as well slice of cheese. That's my simple and healthy meal after a 35km ride.