The Hong Kong Heritage Museum located by the river is perfect to showcase the rustic costume of boat dwellers.

(My design series of rustic costume inspired by boat people, photo credit to Vincent Mak)
In support "Conservation & Succession" of local fisherman culture, I joined the community project organised by "Art for All" help preserve the heritage of fishing culture and traditions in Hong Kong. Part of the project is fashion show. I made a series of rustic costume based on the original style of woman's clothing with diagonally front and collar with my modern skills of natural printing and dyeing. Fashion gala showed in the Hong Kong Heritage Museum recently.
最近參與「全人藝動」以水上人文化的「保育傳承」活動,其中之部份有我的植物印染鄉土服以水上人的傳統服裝演變設計的系列「慢活時裝」, 就在這田合院風格的香港文化博物館展出。
Garments made with natural plants prints and indigo dye.
Even braided knots are handmade
Prints of sumac on linen and euc on silk pants
Green from tumeric & indigo dyes and euc prints
Traditional fisherman top and pants. I made the flap prints with eucalyptus while the pants designed by Evelyna Liang.
We're superb!
(photo credit to Vincent Mak)
The original dressing of Tanka boat people designed by other designers
(photo credit to Vincent Mak)
The contemporary wedding dressing designed by Martin So
After the show, group picture in the courtyard
Thanks for the models and my very good friend Amy dressed in the theme to support the event.
I was glad to show the modern design of traditional clothing with natural resources. Way to keep the style of unique garment made with patience - "slow fashion".