為了設合公司周年晚宴的主題"紅/ 藍"服飾, 我早前特地做了這件緋紅色的nuno felt被肩.
I used chiffon as the base and laid the merino wool, mulberry silk and crinkle chiffon as flower. Done by wet felt skill.
After all the "rock n roll", here's the piece.
Close up of texture.
I'm not sure if it looks "vulgar"?!我對這紅色有點猶疑, 好像有些"娘".
I intended to go with a jean for the annual dinner. It's normally aceptable on Friday night.
本想襯牛仔褲, 可能好一點.

With colleagues in Disnelyland before dinner.
Well before the event I was informed I'll be awarded for long service and invited to be on stage. I changed mind to go with a skirt.
後來我知道要上台接受長期服務獎, 所以改了穿上裙子, 被在肩上.
Wondering if the look with this scarf and leather jacket was bulging.
如果圍以頸巾又穿上皮外套, 看似"擁腫".
I left the scarf out when I was on the stage. 我還是棄掉圍巾, 就此上台.
We're among the colleagues receiving long service awards. 我們這些服務經年的同事大合照.
More than 800 staff members joined the dinner. All were in high spirit for the talent show.

本想襯牛仔褲, 可能好一點.

With colleagues in Disnelyland before dinner.
Well before the event I was informed I'll be awarded for long service and invited to be on stage. I changed mind to go with a skirt.
後來我知道要上台接受長期服務獎, 所以改了穿上裙子, 被在肩上.

如果圍以頸巾又穿上皮外套, 看似"擁腫".

超過800多名員工為天才表演同事打氣, 熱情高漲.
Can't imagine I've been with the company for ages.... How many years? 35 years! My days were happy and crimson.
Anticipate to retire anythime and to pursuit my interest.

Anticipate to retire anythime and to pursuit my interest.
Life is contented. Can't complain.
Linking with "Spreading Little SPRING ~ GIVEAWAY"
Linking with LadyBirdIn
Linking with Katherine's Hop Linky party
Linking with Creative Princess
時光苒荏, 日子飛揚而去, 不覺間在公司已服務35年, 可能你已算算手指, 哈哈... 我預備隨時要退休了, 到時我可有更多空間任我"為所欲為".