Since visited Provence some 16 years ago, the good memories are still hovered. The cottages in the mountain are so typical and cozy.

What a surprise package I just received. It's a New Year gift - a little book of houses in Provence, from my French friend Brigitte. She's so nice to send me this book which reminds my holidays there. Of my three visits in 16 years, we've been to a few villages, the houses/cottages are impressive. The little book illustrated drawings of houses and culture.
16年來三次普羅旺斯之旅, 對這山城風光與人物印象縈迴, 我的法國朋友給我寄來新年特別禮物 - 一本小書以畫工描繪普羅旺斯的房子與生活文化, 這小畫冊帶給我很多美麗難忘的回憶, 以下抽出幾頁分享

I've extracted some pages and photos of my last visits.

The houses are mostly built of stones in the mountain.

Some were built hundred years ago but are well maintained.

The village sits still in the mountain.

The entrance - steps of rocks leading to the houses

A walking passage underneath is an alley leading to other houses.

Terrace with vines

Grapes just in arm's reach outside the terrace.


Some doors are framed with vines.


Roofs are mostly of tiles.

Tiles drawings are pretty decorations.

Fragrance of lavender in summer.

Ancient little stone house amid the lavender field.

Bought a bundle of lavender.

Weekly farm market selling Provencal procelains.

Figurines of Provence.

On our day in Arles, the girl was in traditional costume for the equestrian.

Everywhere is theme for painting.

In the opening of a painting exhibition, among were J.Eymard, Dragic....

We're honoured to be invited.

The stunning Provence nurtured many artists. Brigitte's grandma Noemie was a painter as well.

This little boy playing water in the fountain is another painter's son.

We'd some good times in this cottage.
"If I had a mas in Provence...."
If I had a house in Provence, Brigitte, your house is our dream house.

Thank you so much Brigitte and Jean.
Aileen, Heidi and I always reminisce our good old days with you. Your little book certainly brings us lots of memories of our holidays.