Friday, June 24, 2011
Hong Kong city escape 香港咫尺之寧謐

Friday, June 17, 2011
Play with my magic hands 讓我變 變 變 ......

Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Giveaway on my 100th post 第100篇網誌送出的小禮物

很多很多年前的6月9日, 出生於黑白分明清晰單純的年代. 對, 這是我.
年齡於我不是秘密, 心境青春, 感恩愉悅的每一日, 已累積豐厚呢 !

My salads days were colorful and full of good memories though I “derailed” at times.
我的青蔥歲月充滿色彩, 循規蹈矩, 縱有 ”越軌”, 也是美好回憶.
The three generations. Thanks mum for bringing me here.I wish I'm as persistent as my mum and have my daughter's wisdom !
願我有母親的堅毅及女兒的智慧 !

職場無風無浪 , 幸有精明上司, 不日退下職場可專主追求我的興趣, 我的夢想, 為所欲為, 自得其樂, 嘻....

自兩年前接觸羊毛氈工藝便愛不釋手, 越來越發覺這工藝變化萬千, 可塑性甚高, 現在更愛鑽研 nuno felt, 簡直是沉迷.

Nuno felt 奇妙於可做出無縫的衣物及併出獨特質感.

For the many items I’ve made are giveaways on special occasions. That’s the chance I can do and learn to improve .
多年來拙作無數, 總愛在友好的特別日子以小禮品送出, 這樣我才有空間多作嘗試改進.

You simply drop me comments on this post. I’ll random pick up a name for the winner of this bag and pick another one for the necklace.
This giveaway last till 2300h, 13 June (Mon) Hong Kong time, i.e. GMT 1600h 13th June.
I’ll announce the names of the winners on 101th post in mid June.
祗要在截止日期前,即香港時間13/6星期一晚上2300在這網誌貼上意見, 我會隨機抽出一位得到手袋, 另一位得到項鍊. 幸運者名字會在我的101th 網誌公報,
Thank you for stopping by. I value your comments, not only like to hear compliments, your advice/suggestion make me a day. THANKS.
你的回響將會是我改進的動力. 謝謝.
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Merino Nuno Felt Handbag 羊毛 nuno felt 手袋

My belief is the more I practise the better it looks. Will have another go. Nuno felt is fun and amazing. This merino bag with nuno felted flower is a giveaway on my next 100th post, Hope you’d join the fun. Please see the previous post for details and come back.