"Goodbye, farewell...." After decades working in the same company, time for a change. It's a milestone to mark my career on 31 Dec. I'll leave my job and indulge myself in my interests of fabrics and fibres.
說再見, 話別離, 12月31日我會離開工作 "數十年" 的職場, 生活節奏輕鬆, 不用每日定時往返, 但優美的環境及同事最是懷念. 未來的日子是寫意又充實, 我將會沉醉於羊毛工藝創作及天然印染可持續發展之社區推廣, 總結過去日子是精彩美好 , 未來 "生活日程" 更豐盛多彩.....
Life will be slow and fabulous. No more routines from home to office by daily shuttle.
No hustle and bustle but the stunning environment and my nice colleagues are missed.
My plate's full and colorful.
With one foot stepped out of the Science Park office, the other stepped into my santuary-studio to play around with the "fluffy". 

Creation of wearables, accessories, art pieces and teaching will be part of my life
Keen on natural printing and sustainability in community
Hiking and windfalls hunting for eco prints are on my diary
Hiking and windfalls hunting for eco prints are on my diary
Travel and interaction are on my schedule
In 2 weeks I'll be in the stunning Pacific Grove of California for workshops of wild fleece and eco dye that will bring me to another level of creation.
Delighted my passion on wool craft inspired my colleagues who are now so keen on making. Special thanks to L. and I. for the sweet touching words and the eye-catching kitty ear-rings.
Mogi said , " that's a milestone, Terriea will remember the good old days with colleagues and a new chapter has just started. Come and visit us."
Time for a change. My fabulous wrap up for 2012