

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Back to nature 返璞歸真

Botanical imprints on cotton, linen or hemp is not that simple.  To have bold prints need pre mordant of fabrics.  Last year a young Hong Kong fashion designer asked me to make some botanical imprints on assorted cotton fabrics for her fashion design.  She introduced me the beauty of raw hemp..  That's the first time drove me for experiment other than silkl. My friend Melinda has a good reference of pre-mordant on non animal fabrics. Her blog here.
The hemp fabric I printed with eucalyptus and made it into a simple blouse.
早前與香港一位年輕時裝設計師用棉、麻等布料做了些植物印染作為她的 "自然時裝"設計用料. 那次開始我對絲質料以外作的植印實驗, 棉麻上色要做媒染工序, 我的好友網誌有些介紹.
我做了這片胚麻桉樹印染後便簡單剪裁做了一件原身袖子襯衣, 簡約鬆身, 返璞歸真一件農家上衣.
The front and the back

Layout of the euc. The ones of long leaves are blown branches picked in the wild and the round ones are silver dollar from florist.  I used both since I know they must have orange /red pigments.
The wild ones give orange
After boiling for 1.5 hours, dry it in the air. Mogi found his new canopy with smell of euc. Pleasant in the shade !
"Lazy mum just cut the the T shape with her old blouse over it."
Yes, I just wanted to do free, loose and easy.  I'm not a designer I wanted to make this one simply a basic "second skin".
So a piece of  two-folded fabric with two sides different prints. I made it.......
Simply with a two-folded collar
Sleeve with no cutting
Enclosed with a braided brooch of same hemp remnant plus leather remnant and beaded with two tiny crystal stones.
This looks like old dated farmer clothing but I like the outcome.

                                    A free size blouse suits a free style one who loves nature and natural.
Linking with fromdreamtoreality party


  1. It is beautiful Terrie! The prints are beautiful and I love the simple style... and that closure is gorgeous!

  2. It is a great success - well done!

  3. Love everything about it Terrie, but the best is the collar, love the way you designed it and of course the overall design turned out to be anything but an old dated farmer look. I think it is definitely a keeper and something to wear proudly. Good job!
    Susanne :)
