

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

My teaching workshop in Shanghai Jinze 上海金澤鎮工作坊

During 14-16 March 2015 I'll have a series of workshops taking place in outskirt Shanghai. Jinze, a tranquil water village with a history of over 1,300 years. Workshops incl. botanical imprints, nuno felt scarf and wool felt pouch.  Details link.
踏入羊年, 將會有許多以羊兒為主題的工作坊, 3月14-16日我在上海市郊金澤古鎮有植物移印染, 氈化薄紗及氈化羊毛工作坊,  詳情請閱
My series of workshops in Shanghai are lined up by the textile expert Edith Cheung whom I met by chance in Michel Garcia's natural dye workshops in Hong Kong in 2012,
2012年法國天然印染專家Michel Garcia訪港的研究活動中我認識久仰的本港知名服裝設計師 / 紡織品研究顧問張西美, 隨後我在她的金澤工藝館學習Saori 織布 (網誌詳載).  機緣巧合, 她邀請我三月份到她有5 千多件珍藏紡織藝術品的金澤工藝館教授連串周末工作坊. 這些我至喜好的活動, 當然樂於交流.
In 2013 summer I joined Edith's Saori weaving workshop in her managed Jinze Arts Centre .
  Edith's book compiling the wealth knowledge of fabrics is one of my treasured reference books
 這本布頭布美張西美 執筆編寫雜誌專欄,文章結集成書, 資料豐富, 是我最愛參考書之一.

 The  workshops are taking place in the water village of Jinze, a combination of architectural and cultural heritage.
一連串的工作坊就在這寧謐古鎮進行, 我們會認識周邊的植物採拾做植物移印染.

Tranquil water ways and the ancient bridges are such stunny views.
小橋流水, 古樸房子, 三月的春天將會是另一美麗景致

We'll collect plants around the area.
I've done experiments with the local plants.  The shapes are so beautiful and will be good to do with different mordant.
我曾實驗當地的各種葉子, 葉形很特別, 可以 用媒染帶出線條, 會是很好的嘗試.
The chiffon and silk with prints are pleasing to make nuno felt scarfs.  Mogi finds it a pretty canopy.
Taking the Year of Ram, we'll also do wool felt smart phone pouch. A red packet with sheep would be a good idea.  If you're interested in the workshops, here's the link for details.
羊年到, 也許做一個氈化羊毛紅封包? 都是好兆頭啊!


  1. The village where you plan to have the workshop does look very tranquil. Love the pictures of the village, the waterways and bridges. Quiet places are often good for the thought process. Wishing you much success with your class.
    Susanne :)

  2. Good fortune to you and your students!

  3. Piękne i zabytkowe miejsce.
    Ciekawi mnie nazwa Skłodowska? Tak się nazywała polska noblistka Maria Curie, która wyszła za francuza. Czy to jakiś zbieg okoliczności, czy też miejsce ma tą samą patronkę jak szkoła, w której pracuję?
