

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Mixed media painting 多媒體畫作

For the last few weekends I was so enjoying the basic acrylic painting class.  Today's last session I walked away with the skills and got inspired to apply in my multi-media creation.
My Last post of painting on a silk chiffon .
過去的十個週末我很享受彩繪畫班, 雖然是初階已學習到好些技巧, 我將纖維與羊毛結合創作 以羊兒為主題的質感畫作, 
I made the textured painting with the sheep theme as Lunar New Year is approaching.  Themed picture of the Year of the Ram is atmospheric.
I made the texture of sheep with raw fleece, a little yarn and merino with nuno felt skill.
After the slightly rubbing and rolling, nuno felt is done.
I used the textile Mod Podge mounted over 2/3 of the canvas frame.  Cut the mountain line and little creases texture.
After dried, painted it with acrylic.
Finished. I call it "Snowy Sheep"
Mogi, who's always the judge.
Made another one with a wood board.  Same theme of sheep.
The seven roaming sheep in a spring field.
Also creases for the tree trunk, branches and the field.
This one I call it "Blue Mountain Roaming Sheep"
"Mogi, what do you think?"
Well, the two textural painting of multi-media for the Year of the Ram.
Hope to learn the upcoming intermediate class and get inspired.
My new friends may like to view some more works from my facebook. Please feel free to browse.


  1. its beautiful, I love the combination of your two skills, its amazing!! The added texture makes the paintings come alive!

    Mogi is such a beauty!

    1. Thank you Laurie. Your paintings are inspiring. Love viewing your blog.

  2. Terriea- You always find new ways to use felt...it's the way your mind works...always pushing yourself and always growing as an artist!

    1. Thank you Heather. Wool is versatile. Just love to experiment the possibility

  3. Owieczki są przecudowne. Nie dziwię się, że Mogi zatwierdził.
    Pozdrówki i pogłaskanki.

    1. Thank you. My cat is just that lovely though sometimes distracting.

  4. Very successful multimedia pieces - a great extension of the idea of "prepared surfaces".

  5. They're lovely Terrie.. very clever! x

  6. Hi Terrie, I see you are now doing something new, painting. Good for you! It has been years since I painted. I still have all my brushes and some oil paints. I doubt the paint is even any good any more and I doubt that I could even paint a straight line since it has been too many years. The sheep are cute, I love sheep. I am back to blogging again. Come visit me when you get a chance. I need to catch up on what all my friends have been doing these past couple of months.
    Susanne :)

    1. Thank you Susanne stopping by. Thinking of you ! Painting is such a wonderful expression of mood. Hope you will pick up again.
