

Monday, January 27, 2014

Tutorial - Ruffled wool felt flower 羊毛花製作

A flower, a ring, a scarf closer...... whatever it serves. 
 This ruffled wool felt flower I have been teaching groups or shared with like-minded friends.  It's easy to make without thread or needle, all finished with a loop in one off.  
Some friends asked me the steps.  I'm pleased to share.
簡易波浪羊毛花製作, 無須針線, 完成可作絲巾或手花配飾.

 With the loop as a ring

With the ring as a scarf closer

A multi-purposes wool flower making with resists follows.....

With the simple materials you can make it.
6g wool top or fleece and little colorful yarn as stamen
A net and bubble wrap as working sheets
Cut another 2 pieces round circle resists from bubble wrap, each dia 11cm with center hole cut off 4cm.  Below I just call the circle "resist" for short.

Place a round resist on working bubble wrap.
Pull small amount of  fibre and lay in radiate direction over the round resist,  fine to have the excess tuft of fibre beyond the resist, spray soapy water over it.

Turn over fibre with the resist. 
Fold the tuft of fibre inward to enclose the whole resist.
Pull small amount of fibre over this side. Wet it and turn over.
Fold the tuft of fibre to enclose the whole resist again. 
Put the second round resist over the just fibre wrapped resist. 

Lay fibre over the round resist with tuft of fibre fold back (tuck under the margin of resist) but not to enclose the resist.  So there is only one enclosed resist and one resist just has one layer of fibre over it. Thereafter will have three layers of petals (details to follow).
Wet the fibre then put a little yarn as stamen. 

Cover with net and rub with soapy hands for 20 counts both top and bottom.

Pull small amount of fibre to make a ring loop. Wet the middle with soapy water but with two ends dry.  Gently roll the fibre between the palm and three fingers till it becomes a bit firm. 
Then radiate out both ends from the centre and attach on the enclosed resist.

Put very small amount of fibre through the ring as glue.

Cover a net, gently rub the ring loop and the upper side.

Take out the net and insert soapy finger to rub all the area round .

Wrap up with bubble sheet and roll for 40 counts, open and do the other side same counts.

Insert the middle finger to do more rubbing till it fixed.

Cut the enclosed resist with scissors along the circle with a margin of 1/4cm of the under petal.    so as to make three slightly different size petals.That is the under petal is a bit bigger than the middle one.

Now are three petals. Gently rub the petals to thinner and with thumb or middle finger to do more rubbing till all felt

At this point the three petals should be firmly attached to the core. Stretch the petals sideway with soapy fingers, way like to may a "fan".   This will make a nice ruffled, rippling flower.
Note : only the radiated direction of wool fibre laying can make nice ruffled flowers.  If crossed that will limit the stretch.

Rinse and pinch the stamen, a double petals flower is done.

A scarf closer......

A finger ring or simply a flower, all done in one off.

Simplified steps of making

This simple ruffled flower I can make in 30 minutes without Mogi's distraction.
Hope you like the making. I've my facebook page. You may find it inspired. 
Linking with From Dream to Reality Party
Linking with Craftastic Monday Linking Party


  1. Hello Terrie, I just discovered you most wonderful felting blog. LOVE it. You are such a very very talented lady. I have been felting for a short time off and on. I absolutely LOVE your creative Teapots. I especially fell in LOVE with your Tea Pot called Lavender Fields. Do you give online classes?? Could you teach me how to make a Teapot similar to Lavender Fields.. DO you sell your teapots??? I am a new follower.. Hugs Judy

    1. Thank you so much Judy for your sweet comments. You blow me away. Teapot making is my latest creation since learnt from amazing artist Pamela A MacGregor last month. I couldn't stop my practice and have already made a few more. Lavender was my second pot of practice. I do not give online classes and also teapot making takes at least two days. Selling? Oh.... too good if someone likes but haven't yet. Just read your blog you live in Michigan. I was in Ohio learning teapot making and went to Michigan last month. We're so close then.

  2. It's lovely, and so many ways to use the flower ring once it is made!

  3. Hi Terrie! I love getting your posts in my email box! Thanks for sharing how to make this ring, I'm always fascinated by the mechanics of felting using resists to make 3d objects, it's like magic! I hope to try this following your steps and I'll let you know how I make out.
    Did you ever do a step by step of making the small round 'containers' with lids? I'd like to try it but am not sure I would know how to make it into such a nice round ball shape.

    1. Wet felt with resist to make 3D objects is truly like magic. I've no step by step on my blog the making of round containers with lids. Hope to do so when I've more time. Thanks for following.

  4. Lovely flower Terrie, thanks for sharing your tutorial :)

    1. Thanks Deborah, indeed I was inspired by your tutorial of a ruffled flower of laying radiate direction to further make it double petals. You're inspiring!

  5. Love these flowers, you should make a bouquet Terrie. How lovely!
    (((HUGS))) Susanne :)
