

Friday, January 24, 2014

Gold prints 金黃印染

Every time I got the prints - such bright prints from green leaves, I really appreciate mother nature gives some eucalyptus such beautiful color.
每一次的印染效果總有不同, 特別是桉樹的顏色明明是綠色何以出現金黃.....橙色甚至鮮紅 ?  
樹木的奧妙, 尤是桉樹, 怎不另人讚嘆 ! 最近以尼絨做了幾項實驗, 桉樹的鮮艷最為特出.
Thought to put aside the dye pot for a while due to our Chinese New Year is approaching and I'm busy in family gatherings.  I've to clear the fridge but can I throw away those euc leaves blew from strong winds.  No no no, every piece is from mother nature and must be used up properly.  That's why I made a few bundles with all sorts of leaves I have before the festival.
Here they are.......
Simply the euc leaves and little rose leaves dipped in vinegar, bundled and boiled for 2 hours.
Gorgeous gold to orange color.  I really love it.
This is so impressive
This piece with euc cinerea from florist, some maple and rose leaves. All with iron mordant.
I made a total of four pieces, the former three are with iron mordant thus with darker shades.
  Orange is bold and outlines are clear.
I know maples are not sharp or bold, so I put a few euc cinerea to bring the red.
 Maple and rose leaves.  Euc cinerea is outstanding.
Euc and rose leaves
Rose petals and leaves 
Maple, euc cinerea and rose leaves
Before and after for reference
Maple, rose leaves and euc cinerea
Maple, rose leaves and euc cinerea
Euc and rose petals on the bottom - a little purple

"Hmmmmm, gold is bold...."
Make it a runner......
or wrap around to keep me warm?

Each of different patterns, some with dark shades.
"Want to know  how to make shades?  Mum has tricks "
 "Tell you the secret, Mum uses iron mordant synthetic fabric to cover the leaves and bundle up so have dark outlines and shades. "
Mogi, "I don't know if it's that simple, I wanna out for a look is my simple request."
Indeed fabric is the key success.  The prints are done on "boiled wool" I bought from the shop.  
It's marvelous to do prints with.  No wonder my overseas friend asked me to mail her some more after her experiments. 
Happy printing !


  1. W O N D E R F U L to read and see the images!
    Thanks for sharing your passion :)
    Happy New Year.

  2. All four scarves are amazing!
    What a wonderful way to clean out the freezer, to begin a new year.
    My freezer is crammed full of leaves, I'd be printing for a month before it was empty! :)
    Happy New Year Terrie!!

  3. Such gorgeous, vibrant prints - lovely!

  4. You got such beautiful prints and your enthusiasm is contagious.

  5. Georgous prints and intelligent Moji. I love to meet him someday. Hugs Moji

  6. U mnie na razie wszystko skute 25 stopniowym mrozem. Latem popróbuję barwienia darami natury. Masz super osiągnięcia.
    Ciepło pozdrawiam z Polski.

    1. Hope you have a nice weather soon to enjoy the nature.

  7. What a wonderful way to welcome in a new year. best wishes to you terries and family, including dear magi!! I always love to see your work and what kind of glorious prints you have gotten. So glad we met in person this past year...

    1. Thanks Ginny for the wishes. Also my GREAT pleasure meeting you in person last year. Hope we cross the path in the near future.

  8. Gorgeous scarves Terrie! Such lovely, glowing prints..
    Happy New Year to you xx

  9. Such lovely colours amd beautiful clear prints! I have been wondering at your secret and definitely will give iron mordanted synthetics a try as cover fabric. Do you mordant the wool, as well? Have a wonderful year!

    1. Iron mordanted sunthetics is better than cotton since the former does not absorb much leaves pigments thus the silk or wool fabric itself absorbs and makes stronger prints. I seldom mordant the wool or silk fabrics directly as not to make them too much iron that may destroy the fabric.
