

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Seasons theme wool felt teapots 四季系列羊毛茶壺

Set of my four different teapots. 

Spring of green field and sprout popping out
Summer of lavender field
Autumn of birches with crisp yellow leaves
Winter of flame on wood

Since I've done a few wool felt teapots (last post), I wanted to make a season series. 
 Added to it is Winter.  
 Winter is cold, flame is hot.  A burning pot fills a room cozy with steam and hot air.  That's why I think of a burning pot for winter.

  I made it with a single enclosed resist. Upper is a teapot and bottom is the burning wood.    I  put some white silk strings and mulberry silk as ashes and smoke.  Put a few onion dyed Teeswater curly fleece and red dyed Wensleydale curls as fire or flame.

Here it comes......The finished look of a teapot on a burning wood

Both sides look

I made the Winter theme of a burning teapot as I remember when I was young we went hiking or wild camps,  we used to carry with us a metal pot to set fire with wood on the rocks to make noodles or rice.

Nowadays we live in the urban and country parks are well built with cement BBQ stoves.  People are not bother to carry lots of stuff for cooking.  We're in Hong Kong with high rises in urban.  Much of Hong Kong's  terrain is hilly and mountainous.  Only 30-min away I'm up from my place in the mountain to have this good view but wildfire is not allowed.

This wool felt teapot is not only an ornament, I want it a  functional storage.

Mogi, "Hmmmmm, a storage for my treats ?!"

A flower holder is a good decoration.  

Whatever it serves is fun to make

Of the seasons theme, I like the most is this one first made in Pamela A MacGregor's workshop since the wool used is Finn.  It felts so well.  Quite firm and sturdy.  I just ordered a lot to do more 3D creations.
There're lots of my creations in my facebook page - TerLing Creations.  Please feel free to browse.


  1. Replies
    1. Огромное спасибо за ваши сладкие слова!

  2. Hello Terriea, ALL your Teapots are soooooooooooooooo very creative and beautiful.. I loved reading the story behind your Winter Teapot... Lovely. If I had to choose my very favorite it would be the Summer with its lovely colors and blooming flowers.. Mogi is so cute and very inquisitive.. Neat idea to put flowers in the teapots.. Could you tell me where you buy the Finn wool.. Hugs Judy

    1. Thank you Judy. Making wool felt teapots is so fun and I almost addicted in the various creation with sorts of colorful wool and yarns embellishment. The basic wool is Finn or Finnish. The natural colors of white, grey, brown, dark are so perfect for felt. Love it soooooo much. I just ordered a bulk and waiting to my door steps in a few days. Supplier is WoW - World of Wool https://www.facebook.com/TerLingCreation

  3. These are astounding!!! I love the incredible progress you keep discovering with this fantastic medium!!

  4. Wyroby i zdjęcia obłędne. Kica świetnie pozuje i jak to koty zawsze zainteresowana.

  5. Delightful - brings winter vividly to life!

  6. Oh my! Look at the city behind your amazing teapot!!!! What a lovely cityscape! I live in a town of only 786 residents.
    The teapots are so wonderful.....

    1. Kim, our city is more than 7 millions population ! I'd rather like your small town with less residents and some sheep. Thanks for stopping by.

  7. So nice you associated the 4 seasons to the teapots!! The new one, the winter one, is as always so beautiful!! I've always loved beautiful objects that are also functional. In my house all the objects I have are functional and other then looking cute they also have a purpose: a box, a container, an incense holder, a candle holder, a paper weight, etc. So I love your teapots even more!!! Beautiful and functional!! Brava!!

  8. You have a good collection of teapots, so pretty and can be used, as you say, for storage. I am sorry I have been absent from blog land lately, have been so busy, but I went back and saw the lovely flowers you made and left a comment there. Hope all is well dear friend.
    (((HUGS))) Susanne :)
