

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Shanghai weaving trip part 1 of 2 上海紡織之行 (一)

Last week I took a 5-day trip to Shanghai for an arts centre open day and crafts workshop.
After a 2-hour flight we arrived Shanghai.  The main purpose of joining the workshop was that it was taken place in the suburb of Shanghai Jinze town,  the town is of 1,300 history and the bridges over the waterway are made of different materials and forms.
I went with my daughter but she stayed in downtown for other activities while I continue my way to the ancient town. 
Arriving Jinze we spared some time to admire the little old town by a boat along the waterway......
上星期去了上海五天, 為的是參觀金澤工藝館開放日及紡織工作坊, 工藝館座落於上海市郊的1300年古老江南小鎮 - 金澤鎮, 小橋流水, 每一座橋樑各有特色及歷史掌故.

Isn't it beautiful?  This is such a peaceful old town in China.
江南小鎮, 古老房子, 美不 ?!
Shanghai is a modern city with lots of high rises but those are not what we're interested.  On our last day we had dinner in an old stone house in downtown. 
Next part I'll show you what I've done in the workshop.
此行與女兒同飛上海, 她在市內有其他節目, 而我繼續在金澤鎮的工藝行程, 在最後一晚回到市內一起在田子坊的石庫門老房子吃日式爐端燒.. 下一網誌是我在金澤工藝館的活動.


  1. what beauty, at every turn, thank you so much for showing this to us, your daughter is lovely, you both look so happy and relaxed in the restaurant, what an unusual table, is the well in the center for cooking, the chairs are so comfy looking, have a good day Terrie

    1. Thanks Laurie. Oh yes the "well" is for charcoal. We're having the Japanese BBQ. Stuffed and relaxed.

  2. What a lovely place! Some of the pictures remind me of some of my Great Aunt Lucy's paintings. I think she studied at a college in Shanghai, so they may well be places she knew...

    1. In Shanghai and the southern China there're lots of ancient towns like that. Lots of poems written for the admiring.
