

Friday, August 16, 2013

Blogging and crafting 網絡工藝

 I started blogging dribs and drabs of my cats, crafts and travels since 2010, didn't expect much exposure.    Just recently noted my blog reached more than100,000 hits. Encouraging is that via blogging, we interact,  we exchange ideas, we meet bloggers in life in the other side of the world. Institute found me for workshops, students even from overseas coming for personal tutorials,  All are rewarding, for me - turning to a new page of fabric & fibre fanatic.  Pleased that I was invited by a popular site as guest writer to write a post of eco print.  My humble knowledge to share and spread the alchemy of nature.    Below is  sneak peek.  
不經不覺我的網誌已有十萬人次瀏覽, 開始時寫寫我的貓兒、手工藝、旅遊... 後來對羊毛氈工藝及天然印染有點心得, 網絡中認識了很多志同道合的網友, 好幾位我們也曾相約在世界某角落相聚, 有些網友成為我的學生, 有一網站邀請我寫一篇植物印柒網誌與其他人分享, 這是我的興趣, 何樂不為?! 

Airy chiffon scarf making - Tie lines on both ends are stressed.
Bundling and boiling......
Pleased outcome
Shades of euc leaves in reddish..orange
Dancing in the wind
Soft in a breezy day
My blogging and crafting are never lonely.  Mogi and you are always with me. 
I've a facebook page, if you like it please go to "Like" it.
In the coming days I'll be off to Shanghai for a weaving open day & workshop - another occasion for interaction. 
"Mum's on the road and left me alone again ! 媽子又上路, 去上海紡織交流喎 !"

 Until next time.


  1. Congrats Terrie! I love to see the beautiful things you create!

  2. You are such a talented lady Terrie. I wish for you only good things and I pray for all my friends to have blessings. I always see such pretty things on your blog and "Congratulations" on getting so many hits. Someday maybe your lovely one of a kind fashion pieces will be on the runway in a fashion show. You never know who might see one of your creations and want to buy something from you, maybe a movie star or celebrity. Now wouldn't that be wonderful. Being retired is a busy time, and I bet you don't even know when you had the time to go to work. I have so many irons in the fire with all my yarn projects and yet I love fabric and sewing. I keep wanting to put all the yarn away and dust off my sewing machine. Maybe someday I will try to do what you do. I just know that you have so many good tutorials and instructions. Thank you friend.
    (((HUGS))) Susanne :)

    1. Susan, you really made me a happy day. My way is long. Every time every piece is a trial. These days doing lots of things to challenge myself or get inspired. Can't expect too much. Your feedback is encouraging. Sorry for my late reply since just back from China there's no blogging. After the trip my plate is full again. Thank you for stopping by and blessings.

  3. Well, congratulations! Blogging makes solitary crafting a much friendlier affair, doesn't it!
