

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Shanghai weaving trip part 2 of 2 上海紡織之行 (二)

I joined the  "Jinze open day and crafts camp" organised  by Jinze Arts Centre because I admire the founder Edith Cheung who has a vision for sustaining cultural traditions through textile.  During the open day we viewed lots of beautiful traditional tribal costumes.........

 the very dainty tribal dress and baby cowl.

 Facilitator explaining traditional rice cakes making on special occasions
 Weaving exhibition
 Explaining the means of weaving
 I started using Saori for weaving
 I used different fibres, yarns, wool ......
In a day I made two pieces

 In between I mixed some wool to make the textures
 Two pieces of two color schemes

 Interesting to make with Saori, weaving can be soft, rough, long or short.  I mixed with some wool so these can be wraps.

In China no facebook or blogging.  Killed my  time at night was doing samples of wool felt brooches for my coming workshops.
The young participants noted my nuno felt top and wool felt stuffs.  They asked if I can show them how to make wool felt. Of course, all my pleasure to share this wonderful skill.
 Such enthusiastic, eight of them each made an iPhone pouch in an hour.

 We "weavers" made our own style wraps.
 In Jinze I bought the book "One Needle One Thread一針一線" - very detailed tribal costumes, embroidery and some steps of making.  Noted the other book "布頭布美" the author is Edith Cheung and the contents are so informative, interesting and beautiful. 
 Can't wait and bought it immediately when I was back to Hong Kong.


  1. You are so full of surprises, making a weaving has got to be so much fun. Where I use to work, long ago, they had an occupational therapy room that had a huge weaving loom. Oh how I wanted to play around with that piece of equipment and make a rug! I thought it would be such fun to do that. I hope you continue to work with a loom in the future. You are so talented I am sure you would make so many lovely things on one.
    (((HUGS))) Susanne :)

    1. Weaving with Saori loom is easy but the loom is expensive here. Good to know how it works. Here a few NGO underserved communities do have the rehabilitation programs of weaving. It's a kind of therapy and makes them feel engaged.

  2. A really productive visit - the wraps are gorgeous!

  3. Fantastic blog entry. I'm a Saori workshop owner in Australia and very interested in Edith Cheung's work. Great to see the workshop at Jinze in operation. thank you.
    Kaz Madigan

    1. You run very well workshops in NSW. I see the beautiful yarns and the finished pieces. They're gorgeous. Saori is wonderful!
