

Friday, May 31, 2013

Wine carrier 盛酒手挽

"Red or white?" In flight we're asked but now is "black & white".
"紅酒、白酒 ? "
不.... 是 "黑白貓".
鍾愛黑白貓, 因此做一個羊毛盛酒手挽送給一位海外朋友.
The wool felt wine carrier I made with the pattern of a black & white cat.  I fond of  B&W cats so much. 
 A stretching cat in the front and back.  Made this in one piece with tail for the handle.
I used mostly merino wool with little mohair and curly locks to make it firm.  It's strong enough to carry a pair of red and white. 
Love lavender, I put a little purple wenslaydale on the back for textural surface. 
 Side looks of the bag

"Who's that black guy?", Mogi. 
"Hmmmmm, mum made the aged cat again", Mogi. 
"He's not as smart as me," Mogi. 
Oh, yes, again I made the mature cat. Have to admit I'm not skillful to illustrate a cute cat. Forget it, cheers, chin-chin or toast ...... have a glass of wine. 
Be it a wine carrier or a vase, it's a functional stuff  I'm going to give it away to a friend in two weeks.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Eco print tote bag 植物印染布袋

My "By-product" of eco prints -  a tote bag. 
After some experiments of rose and euc leavaes on cotton scraps, found my way to do something with them.  
I sewed this as inner pocket for the cotton bag.  
The bag with lining 
Reverse side of the bag 
I bought the cotton fabric in the market.  It's a good buy but if I just made a bag of plain without any pattern, it's not my way.  I do it with my own personality rather then the mass production of common.  So on the outside, another piece  of my leaf print is sewed on. 
Rose with iron mordant -  the upper side is smooth and a bit green on cotton while iron mordant euc silver dollar are a bit brown. 

The prints are botanic alchemy. 

Now that the bag is with inside and outside pockets of my eco prints. 
This cotton bag is big enough and strong to carry some books.  
That's my way of making.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Owl & Cat Purse Making 貓 - 貓頭鷹羊毛包子

There days the torrential rain forced me no outing. I spent to do a wool felt purse with one side of owl and the other a cat but the cat expression looks an aged cat !!
這些日子滂沱大雨, 唯有在家中做羊毛包子, 一面是貓頭鷹, 另一面........ 真是不知所謂的老貓樣 - 伯父貓樣 ! 怎也好, 算是練習練習吧.
Anyway fun to play with expression.  Need to do more practice for a better look.  
Steps of making
I enclosed a foam resist. Laid one side then the other, cut the top to stitch the clasp. 
Today when the rain stopped I walked up to the stream behind my apartment. 
Much flowing after storm rain 
The trail I do morning walks was quiet in the afternoon.  The tall round building is once my office I worked for almost 22 years. 
Back on my way saw this stray cat.  Looks alert.  Poor little thing where did you hide in the pouring?  
Mogi, you're too fortunate, you're spoilt ! 
The little purse is for keeping USB or keys.
Linking with fromdreamtoreality party

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Make it a bag 植物印染布袋

Mogi, "Mum made a tote bag with her eco printed fabric."

"She laid out assorted euc leaves and rose leaves.
What?   Make a face? "

I put the leaves on a 100% silk fabric. Euc leaves for ears, eyes, stalk peels of rose for the head outlines.  Two-fold wrapped and boiled in water with a little vinegar for an hour.  Unbundled and sewed a tote bag. 

Mogi, "Mum, it doesn't look like me. Christine S. said it looks like a panda rather than a cat !"
It doesn't matter, just for fun to have a pattern bag.  I made the bag with lining (scraps of curtain samples) and straps (cotton dyed in my Portugal workshop last).
A finished look of two-side bag
A bag for carrying books, for grocery ..... anything as l like.

Another smaller bag also made with eco prints for my friend "IL".  I gave her two years ago a bag with painting.  I know it's washed out.  Just wanted to give her a new one. 
With the lining and inner pocket written - "I'm Original - tk"
Straps are waist strap from used coat

The fabric and leaves are soaked in alum. So prints are a bit yellowish. 
Wish "IL" loves this bag
We're into summer.  Mogi, it's so hot for holding you around but you do inspire me creation!
Linking with fromdreamtoreality

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mum & girl on Mother's Day 無欲無求 = "自在媽媽"

Today's Mother'd Day.  Wish all mothers a happy day. 
I told my children I'm easy going, I do not need any special treats on the day. My daughter Jas Came with me to show off my wearables is more than happy.  Ah....... no one objects me ! Today's my day.
Early in the morning my son drove us to the South to take some shots of the nuno felt dress I just made - I call this "Rosy Dress". 
今日母親節, 早上郊遊, 女兒可以為我的製作展示及送我這些布料多做點設計已是最好不過 ! 今天 Jas 穿的是 nuno felt 純絲雪紡長裙,上身以碎雪紡做成玫瑰花質感, 輕且飄逸,就是我的 "玫瑰花" 長裙。
Arrived Tai Tam Tuk 
We both in the nuno felt wearables - one-piece chiffon base. 

Top is of crinkle chiffon to make the textural suface
Airy in the summer breeze 

V in the front and back

After some shots we went to the Waterfall Bay 
 Hubby took the shots
Girl, thanks for the nice shots.  You made me a good day.

The nuno felt dress is made with silk chiffon base,  crinkle scraps on the top for textural look. 
Some scraps are the eco prints I made with rose leaves.  That's what I called "rosy dress".

The back is with some silk strings I degummed and strips of color chiffon.

Oh, Mogi you spoilt my design !  He's always spoilt - he's the king !  No way. 
A scarf with rose leaves prints

Some leaves dipped in iron water and boiled for an hour to make the green shades. 

A rosy dress with rose leaves prints.  Thanks mygirl for the demo.