

Friday, May 31, 2013

Wine carrier 盛酒手挽

"Red or white?" In flight we're asked but now is "black & white".
"紅酒、白酒 ? "
不.... 是 "黑白貓".
鍾愛黑白貓, 因此做一個羊毛盛酒手挽送給一位海外朋友.
The wool felt wine carrier I made with the pattern of a black & white cat.  I fond of  B&W cats so much. 
 A stretching cat in the front and back.  Made this in one piece with tail for the handle.
I used mostly merino wool with little mohair and curly locks to make it firm.  It's strong enough to carry a pair of red and white. 
Love lavender, I put a little purple wenslaydale on the back for textural surface. 
 Side looks of the bag

"Who's that black guy?", Mogi. 
"Hmmmmm, mum made the aged cat again", Mogi. 
"He's not as smart as me," Mogi. 
Oh, yes, again I made the mature cat. Have to admit I'm not skillful to illustrate a cute cat. Forget it, cheers, chin-chin or toast ...... have a glass of wine. 
Be it a wine carrier or a vase, it's a functional stuff  I'm going to give it away to a friend in two weeks.


  1. Terrie, that will be such a lovely gift! I love the black cat! Very nice job!

  2. Super pomysł, niczym z japońskiego furoshiki.
    Przypomina mojego drugiego kota Gizmo, też posiadał biało- czarne barwy.
    Szkoda, że tak szybko musieliśmy go pożegnać.

  3. He's a very fine cat, with his tail curling up to form a handle!

  4. Great bottle bag Terrie! Love how you made his tail into the handle :)
