

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Owl & Cat Purse Making 貓 - 貓頭鷹羊毛包子

There days the torrential rain forced me no outing. I spent to do a wool felt purse with one side of owl and the other a cat but the cat expression looks an aged cat !!
這些日子滂沱大雨, 唯有在家中做羊毛包子, 一面是貓頭鷹, 另一面........ 真是不知所謂的老貓樣 - 伯父貓樣 ! 怎也好, 算是練習練習吧.
Anyway fun to play with expression.  Need to do more practice for a better look.  
Steps of making
I enclosed a foam resist. Laid one side then the other, cut the top to stitch the clasp. 
Today when the rain stopped I walked up to the stream behind my apartment. 
Much flowing after storm rain 
The trail I do morning walks was quiet in the afternoon.  The tall round building is once my office I worked for almost 22 years. 
Back on my way saw this stray cat.  Looks alert.  Poor little thing where did you hide in the pouring?  
Mogi, you're too fortunate, you're spoilt ! 
The little purse is for keeping USB or keys.
Linking with fromdreamtoreality party


  1. I know I have said this many many MANY times but you live in the most beautiful area! It is magnificant, I think its beauty feeds your artistic soul , your little purses are beautiful and of course the owl one ;) is just amazing, the expression is beautiful, you captured the owl so wonderfully!

    1. Thanks Laurine. I'd love more your painting of owls. They're adorable and wonderful !

  2. love how you have captured the expression well. Take care ! Heard from a friend there were even floods in the cross harbour tunnel!

  3. I love the owl very much and the cat is funny too :)

  4. The owl purse is darling...love the cat too! That stray cat is very pretty too! Mogi is spoiled! :)

  5. Lovely purse, so unique!
    Little bigger and your cat could use it as her own personal pillow. I bet she'd love that.
    I recently made woven small bag, similar style. What a connection!See here http://zexxyswife-crafts.blogspot.ca/

    Recently got Serger machine, still trying to learn how to use it! I hope it will help me to create more professional looking bags. Did you ever use it Terrie?

  6. 'The Owl and the Pussy Cat' :) love it (I love that nursery rhyme, it always makes me smile)

    The waterfall is beautiful..

    1. Thanks Deborah. I searched the nursery rhyme. Sweet melody and lyrics. What coincidence, I made such cute purse.

  7. Terrie, you are soooo TALENTED!! One day you'll have to make me something! I love all your creations!

    Thanks for linking up at The DIY Dreamer last week! Can't wait to see what you link up tomorrow evening!
