

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mum & girl on Mother's Day 無欲無求 = "自在媽媽"

Today's Mother'd Day.  Wish all mothers a happy day. 
I told my children I'm easy going, I do not need any special treats on the day. My daughter Jas Came with me to show off my wearables is more than happy.  Ah....... no one objects me ! Today's my day.
Early in the morning my son drove us to the South to take some shots of the nuno felt dress I just made - I call this "Rosy Dress". 
今日母親節, 早上郊遊, 女兒可以為我的製作展示及送我這些布料多做點設計已是最好不過 ! 今天 Jas 穿的是 nuno felt 純絲雪紡長裙,上身以碎雪紡做成玫瑰花質感, 輕且飄逸,就是我的 "玫瑰花" 長裙。
Arrived Tai Tam Tuk 
We both in the nuno felt wearables - one-piece chiffon base. 

Top is of crinkle chiffon to make the textural suface
Airy in the summer breeze 

V in the front and back

After some shots we went to the Waterfall Bay 
 Hubby took the shots
Girl, thanks for the nice shots.  You made me a good day.

The nuno felt dress is made with silk chiffon base,  crinkle scraps on the top for textural look. 
Some scraps are the eco prints I made with rose leaves.  That's what I called "rosy dress".

The back is with some silk strings I degummed and strips of color chiffon.

Oh, Mogi you spoilt my design !  He's always spoilt - he's the king !  No way. 
A scarf with rose leaves prints

Some leaves dipped in iron water and boiled for an hour to make the green shades. 

A rosy dress with rose leaves prints.  Thanks mygirl for the demo.


  1. Gorgeous dress, design and a perfect model . . .
    Happy Mother's DayTerrie . . .

  2. The dress turned out beautifully, and it seems like both model and maker had a great day!

  3. Another dreamy piece...absolutely gorgeous...Happy Mother's EveryDay!

  4. What a lovely blog post, Terriea, and what a wonderful way to spend your special day! XXO

  5. Hi Terrie, first, you have a lovely daughter, she is very pretty. And the dress..... gorgeous!!!!!! Just gorgeous! The scarf too. Great!! Have a nice mothersday to. hugs from janine

  6. what a beautiful way to spend the day with your family, she is such a beauty just like you, its a wonderful area as well,such scenery!!!!Your creations are amazing!!!Your daughter is luck to have such a talented mum to make dresses to make her beauty shine even more!

    1. Thanks Laurie, you made me a happy day and smiles. You surely will have a great day too.

  7. lovely work Terrie! Your daughter is a beauty. Happy Mother's Day!

  8. Another dreamy dress and lovely model. So blessed are you:)

  9. Oh I love this one! Yet another piece of fabulous work! Makes me want to give it a try, I'd love to have you come to Minnesota to teach!

    1. You are so sweet Becky. There're quite some renowned artists teaching in Minnesota. I hope to learn from them indeed. If I've the chances to play with your alpacas would be wonderful !

    2. Becky, your sheep are so sweet. Hope the mother is well now.

  10. Beautiful! Love how the pieces turned out, plus your daughter has styled it so well in the photos. She is lucky to have you as a mun!

  11. Such a beautiful dress - your daughter looks very elegant and pretty in it!
    I like the photo of you both wearing your nuno lovelies
    Looks like you had a lovely family day out

  12. What a beautiful dress! I absolutely love it! Your daughter looks stunning in it!

  13. Платье потрясающее!!!
