

Monday, April 8, 2013

Students' wool felt handbag 學生羊毛手袋製作

"Yes, this is mine. I made it !" My student Ahbee proudly showed us this after a hard day work !
又一次與Pottery Stall 缸瓦舖合作, 這日教學生做羊毛手袋 ,
今次重點製作手挽及雪訪摺皺的質感, 差不多七小時....... 累了, 終完成各有自己特式的手袋.
Teamed up with Pottery Stall, a nuno felt handbag workshop was arranged this Sunday. A class focused on nuno felt textural surface and handle making which took quite some hours to finish.  
Layering wool......
Put on silk chiffon and mulberry silk......

Cut the top....

Making the firm handles....

Almost exhausted.... they made it... both sides of own preferred different looks. 
A little Teeswater fleece 
Teeswater fleece and chiffon scrap
With my eco printed chiffon scraps 
Mixed mulberry silk and raw fleece 
Mulberry silk and raw fleece  
Again some Mulberry silk, my dyed Teeswater fleece and eco print chiffon 
After almost 7 hours, bags finished, still wet and heavy.   A hard day exercise !
They enjoyed it though a bit tired.

I'm sure after dry the silk strings are lustrous and the ruffly chiffon are nice.
Well done gals.


  1. Congratulations to both students and teacher!

  2. lovely bags! It's amazing how different the same pattern can look!

  3. These are gorgeous!!! You are a wonderful teacher for sure!!

  4. Great bags and a workout too!!Perfect.

  5. I think your students will move into your home, ☺ this also looks so great and I love each off theme, great work, nice colours, super!!

  6. Thanks all. Teaching is challenging and interesting. Glad that my students enjoyed it.

  7. Gorgeous bags Terri, sounds like you had a lot of fun and a good work out lol

  8. It’s fun to think about how fashion, and here are the fashion handbag store online www.25880.com
