

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Wool felt purses 羊毛包包

A student asked if I teach wool felt purse with frame. I said I've never done and not keen on making.  How can I reject the challenge?
學生問我有沒有教做口金包, 我說沒有做過.  不一會, 立刻動手用我的幻想記憶做了一個又一個, 加點剌繡, 原來很趣味的。 給朋友看, 她說很 "女人" 啊, 言下之意, 很 "娘"。 我就是愛這女性傳統手工, 城市人生活急速, 有閑做些針紙剌繡, 生活步伐慢拍, 心景也安然平和......   
Well,  must at least to do one, I used a resist to make it. 
 Attached the clasp after felted.
Embellished both sides with little flowers. 
It's cute and I made three in a row.   
I love poppies and it's easy to do stitches. Made this from my mind the pictures taken in England last summer. 

Purple and white are good match 
My blog friend Rachel does embroidery so pretty.  She inspired me a lot.  I don't know what knots are these, just random stitches.
A purse is also good for USBs, devices, keys......

This one with compartment

Both sides of each purse has different stitches. 
Lavenders or sort of flowers and mountain scenery

Random laying with mulberry silk and wool. 
I showed these to a friend, she said it's famine.  She does mean it "old lady's".
Living in the fascinating city,  all ready-made stuff are cheap and quite a good buy but I just love the one-of-a-kind handmade !!

Peace of mind doing embroidery with imagination of good memories of beautiful scenery.
Linking with finecraftguild


  1. they are beautiful and I agree they are very feminine and delicate but not at all old lady way, they are lovely, I carry a purse shaped like this all the time for my change, I'm not an old lady!! Only 56!!!lol,I love the poppies too, so beautiful!

  2. They're gorgeous, Terrie! :)

    Our craft shop in town had purse/bag clasps a few years ago, I keep meaning to look again for them, are they easy to attach?

    1. The ones with holes just need thread and stitches, the ones without you simply clasp or hammer with a cloth. It's easy if you get the fames.

  3. Nice just what i like, might just have to give it a try.
    Sehr schön geworden.

  4. Wowwowwowwow, how great this is Terrie, Love the scenery, the landscapes, love the purses, WOW! And perhaps old ladie like ;)) but I think, young ladies would loveeeeeeeeee these too! Vintage is hot! Homemade with a vintage switch! Love them!

  5. These are fantastic, Terriea! Would it be easier to do the embroidery before the frames are attached?
    ...but maybe it would be hard to tell the proper orientation?

    1. Heather, it's also easy to do embroidery after all finished as stitches are only with needle in between wool fibre. I do not need to go through and under the wool felt. It's also good to do before attached but you will have a good view to "paint" it after attached the frame.

  6. Oh, no, Terrie... your gorgeous purses are NOT old lady like. The combination of felting and embroidery is simply stunning. If I lived closer to you, I'd be wanting to take classes with you.

  7. They are lovely Terrie - I especially love the one with poppies!

  8. The purses are delightful - you've responded to the challenge!

  9. These are fabulous, Terrie! Thanks for showing them inside and out, I always have wondered how the felt attached to the frame. Your photos are fantastic with the cityscape in the background.

  10. Terri your purses are absolutely gorgeous, love them :)

  11. Thanks for that info, Terrie :)
