

Friday, April 12, 2013

Eco print workshop for special student 遠道而來的學生

Being an amateur eco printer, I never thought of drawing overseas students. How glad that my facebook friend Meg's so passionate about the style of my prints/dyes and flown from Taiwan to learn from me.  My honor to share with like-minded. We have a 2-day intensive workshop to do experiments of assorted prints, dyes and make an eco print journal.
從沒想過, 對植物印染祗是玩票, 我的試驗製作也可吸引海外「面書」友人的學習興趣. 我和Meg 以前不認識, 她認真的要親來學習, 噢, 好有誠意, 我便編排了兩天密集課程, 就是這兩整日, 我們做了好幾種實驗, 主要是媒染做出顏色深淺層次, 明礬帶出青黃效果, 扎染技巧....還有做小記事本, 從植物印在頁紙... 做羊毛書面扎染到釘裝成小本子, 可真密集哩 !  我們還有空檔到後山逛一圈.... Meg, 謝謝你遠道而來, 我的第一位海外學生, 我多榮幸 !
Meg and I've never met but only via facebook.  On the first day we met and worked, we knew we've same thinking and she picks up very quickly.  
The first piece we done a silk fabric with  euc leaves, rose leaves and maple leaves.  In order to show Meg the shades, some leaves with iron mordant some without. 
In the meantime we made the iron mordant for her future use. 
We tested the iron mordant and got what we wanted - shades below. 
Rose leaves dark with iron mordant.  
Some euc leaves brown or darker with iron mordant. 
Paper prints done for making a journal. 
Wool felt journal cover
Dyed in euc pot and bundled with euc prints, all done in the same time.
The string marks and white space intended to make. 
Paper prints and wool felt cover to be binded. 
Day 2 the eco print wool felt journal was made.   
Enclosed with my handmade ceramic button.
Meg made a nuno felt shawl with long curly fleece.  She put a little euc leaves over it and bundle dyed in onion pot.   It's bright.  Meg may find it too eye-catching. 
The lustrous long fleece is shining brown. 
What's that bundle? Eager to see the outcome....... 
It's the nuno felt wool top Meg made.  Prints got some bright orange  but rose leaves are dark.  Reverse side with some brown /grey. 
Still a good test on her first eco print trial. 
"Mogi, do you approve this?" 
We made prints with alum in order to get yellowish. We got it, a little pale yellow /green of rose leaves and the soft orange of euc cinerea.  Wonderful to have spotty outlines. 
Pale with alum and dark with iron. 
Euc cinerea is always a magic in printing.  
Mogi, "mun's student is so talented and creative. You're wonderful to have her around". 
"Yes, I'm so pleased." 
Fabulous works by Meg. 
Among all,  this soft chiffon scarf she found impressive. 
All ready to pack home. 
In the 2-day intensive workshop we still have an hour walk behind my apartment to see the city view.  Thanks to my hubby who watched the boiling pots.
Tomorrow we two couples will have a day out in the island south.  Wish the weather will be good to allow us to have a glimpse of our stunning island.
Linking with annesfunnyfarm
Linking with Lakeshore Drive party


  1. Terrie, I'm in awe of your wonderful work - how I'd love to be there to learn too :-)
    You are not only a great artist but a wonderful teacher too!

    1. Thank you Margo. You're just being kind. I'm so happy to share my experiments with others.

  2. So nice to see the steps, the finished work, and of course, Mogi! So glad you and Meg and the two hubbies will have a day out, as well.

  3. What a productive couple of days, and such varied results!

  4. what a wonderful meeting of like minds, beautiful work! You both look so happy, wonderful friendships!

    1. Yes, a great meeting and a wonderful time for us.

  5. What an amazing and productive workshop! Love the journal and nuno vest.. how wonderful to create all of that on a 2 day workshop xx

  6. Looks like a fun two days spent together!
    Such lovely prints!!

  7. How exciting for the both of you to be able to meet up! Perhaps your next international student would be me :):)

    1. Oh Melinda you're kidding ! You've already learnt the secrets from int'l renowned artist. I can fly to meet you to share again if chances permit !

  8. Witam serdecznie, jestem pod wrażeniem efektów tworzenia tak wspaniałych kolorów na tkaninie i filcowania. Oglądam blog i jestem także fanką na FB.
    Pozdrawiam serdecznie. Jola

  9. wow wonderfull results!! great teacher you are. whom knows my next travel will be into your direction..... ;-)

  10. What a wonderful collaboration with wonderful results!


  11. WOW - gorgeous! I recently tried wet felting with Alpaca Fleece and we made purses. I love working with fiber! Talu

  12. Replies
    1. Oh really? You're proud to have a talented MOM !

  13. Terrie,

    How come I'm the only one not getting orange/red from euc leaves? I have tried alum mordant and iron mordant. How do you make your iron mordant?

    Thank you for a great blog!


    1. Merike, the euc silver dollar is good for orange/red prints on silk or wool even with no mordant. I've no idea how you made with it with no success. You can dip the leaves in iron water (boil the rusty can, nails or any objects with little vinegar to make iron water, i.e. iron mordant). The leaves prints on fabric will have darker prints for rose leaves and red to brownish of euc silver dollar.

    2. Terrie, I will try the silver dollar. Thank you so much for your help!
