

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Bontanic Alchemy 植物奧妙之美

What the botanic
alchemy is? A plant is not only a plant.   See how you make use of it. A dying plant can make something forever pretty.  These marks I made the eco prints with the windfalls and fresh leaves on a silk fabric. 

The other day I picked some windfalls and a few fresh eucalyptus leaves near my studio.
To use the same method (last post) of sandwiching leaves in between rich iron fabric and white silk fabric then steamed for an hour.  Stayed overnight in a themo pot.

Unbundled it after 6 hours.  Quite nice to my expectation.  
Green leaves are still green
The dried leaves still got some bold prints of brown.

Nature alchemy - blowing in the fall.

Fall has fallen. Nature is changing it's clothing, green to red to yellow. Then falling.....
It's not the end of some kinds of plants.  Eucalyptus are mysterious to prolong their beauty for persons who love it to keep it forever - the prints I love. 
These are not dirty scraps. My treasure to do with eco prints.
Shade for Mogi, to play seek and hide.....

I'm hooked in experimenting plants prints. These days I was fallen down.  Got a cold, sore body and ...... Bed rest for some hours. 
Done the bundle last night, in the early morning I was so excited to see how it looks.
Almost forget my illness.
Pets help healing pains.  When I was in bed, Mogi laid beside me, I pinched him and told him I was tired and painful. 
Mogi said, "Mum I'm feeling quite good when you're soothing me!"
Subtle color scarf of nature beauty.
Got better now and going to pick some more windfalls.
Have something indulged, keeps pains away.

Linking with FromDreamToReality


  1. Terriea-I'm sorry to hear that you were I'll, but glad that you are better now. Things of beauty and loving pets can be very healing. XXO-

  2. Glad you are on the mend. The lovely prints would make me feel better also.

  3. I wondered where you were . . . I hope you are feeling better and out gathering up "the fall" to continue creating . . . Such lovely art you create . . .

  4. Sooooooooooo gorgeous!!! I just enjoy all your works... beautiful and relaxing. Hope you feel much better soon :)

  5. Amazing results Terrie! You are so good at these!
    Sorry to hear you have been poorly.. hope you are completely better soon

  6. Subtle colours, and lovely shapes! Get well soon.

  7. Truly beautiful prints, Terri!!! So soft and lovely!!!

  8. Great method indeed!

    Subtle prints!

    Get some rest and recover soon!


  9. So glad you are better..and I can how these beautiful prints and sweet Mogi can help with well-being and good cheer! I am so admiring of your discoveries and beautiful results.

  10. Thanks all my dear. I'm better now though not at the best. Indulging myself in eco print is goodt healing.

  11. oh my goodness, your work just becomes more beautiful each time, amazing!! I have had to start a new blog, again!! I had to come and join yours again too, I am starting from scratch!

  12. Wonderful soft colors and strong prints. Thanks for sharing such great photos and glad to hear you are feeling better.

  13. Hope you are feeling much better now Terry!
    Thanks for telling all of your secrets. It's good to share our successes - and even our failures!


  14. Hi Terrie, I have seen your posts on found stitched dyed (facebook) so often, but never visited your blog. Thanks for sharing your wonderful eco-dyed work. Lucky to find ecu trees in Hong Kong! Lovely cat Mogi too - Nat

    1. Thank you Nat. Eco print is fun and love to share.

  15. Gorgeous scarf!!! And gorgeous paper books above too. Thank you for sharing, Terrie! Love these.

  16. I've never seen Eco print before. Very interesting!!! Sorry you weren't feeling well :(

    Thanks so much for sharing this at The DIY Dreamer.. From Dream To Reality!
