

Friday, October 12, 2012

Wool vest with lace collar 花貓色系羊毛背心

Just received  Gotland and Wensleydale wool fleece from new supplier. Can't wait to experiment the quality.    Another piece of nuno wool felt vest was made with inspirations from Kim, Vilt a la Kim   She made a girl dress with lace.  Also Lizet Frijters  Her wool felt scarves incorporated with vintage doilies are unique.
剛收到新訂的蜷曲羊毛, 急不及待要試試新品質,
 這件 "一件頭"  背心亦是以 nuno felt 技巧製作, 所以 "腰及肩" 都 是無縫的. 領口特點是混以 "花邊哩士", 特顯質感.
 I tried this vest with lace for the collar.
The long and curly wool fleece are yummy.

Collar was made with  different lace / doiles, samples free from fabric shop.

Again this vest was made with nuno felt skill.  I scattered some merino wool over the template and put the lace / doilies for collar.  Covered with chiffon.
Outer layering of wool fleece.
After all the rubbing, rolling and fulling, here's the outcome of a seamless wool felt vest.
Back look 
Closure of "butterfuly" lace from Belgium, thought it goes with the collar.
It's not too thick.  Quite good for cool autumn days.
Same color tone with Mogi - greyish.  Wish my hair are not the same !!
Young at heart. Nice weekend !
灰白長毛背心與貓貓同一色系, 這件製作不太厚, 深秋日子該有用場.
Linking with acatlikecuriosity
Linking with Debbiedoo's party
Linking with Happyhourprojects


  1. Oh, Terriea--As someone who has met you in person, I can happily report that you are both young in spirit and in body, as well! (NO ONE would ever guess that you have grown children!!)
    The vest is beautiful...and what a wonderful idea, to have lace at the neckline!
    I'm sure it's very soft and comfortable, too. XO-

    1. Heather, my dear. You made my day. The vest is soft and comfortable is true.

  2. Another beautiful vest. I love the curly locks you used.

  3. Lucky you for getting the laces for free ;-)
    And I feel honoured to be of an inspirator for you Keep on felting.

  4. Just found your blog! Super cute, I can't wait to read more.

  5. You look adorable in your gray tone vest, gray hair and all!

  6. Another lovely creation from Terrie, you have made such a lovely vest, so talented too. Mogi seems to love it also. You must be one of the best dressed women in Hong Kong, and of course no one else has the same thing to wear because you make one of a kind garments.
    Just lovely!!
    Susanne :)

  7. You are such a clever girl! This vest is fantastic! You inspire me so much. Did you have a pattern for the vest?

  8. Thank you Julie. Your works are wonderful too. Pattern for the vest do you mean a template? Yes just cut a thin foam and enclosed with woolm then cut the arm holes and the bottom.

  9. That collar is wonderful!! I really like that look :)))

  10. Lovely vest Terrie! It really suits you
