

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Fall's greetings from a binding book 秋之禮讚

Fall has fallen 
 Walk in the brush, pick some windfalls, do a little journal, give to someone who appreciates the footprints of autumn - the fallen leaves and the marks....... 
  踏著秋的步伐, 叢林中留下足跡, 花開花落, 樹木枯榮有序, 秋風輕拂, 落葉片片……
要給這個秋天留下爽朗的印記, 何不動手以拾回來的葉子做一小本子?
一本是作為本周植物印染課堂的樣品, 一本特別送給朋友Ada 的小禮物, 用心的製送給細緻的 “玫瑰皇后”…… 

I made some eco printed papers with the leaves and done two little binding books. . 
 One is a sample for the eco print workshop this week with some tertiary design students and one is dedicated to my friend Ada. Ada likes my eco print journal and wants to learn how to make it.  I said when time suits we can do together. Before that I made one specially for her. 
The two books are with leaf prints steamed on papers, then hand binded.  Each page has different marks.

 Eucalyptus leaves
 Cajuput leaves  
 Eucalyptus leaves with iron mordanted thus have the black outlines 
Some Cajuput leaves with brown dots.

 Intended to do some pages with light prints thus some room for writing
 Oh, I've no idea what kind of leaves are these.  They're windfalls near my  studio
   This is rose leave.  Ada loves roses.  Specially put the prints on the front.  
 The journal covers are of  my eco dyed cotton fabrics.

I dyed the cotton during my last workshop in Portugal.
While making these journals I recalled the memory of the lush village. 
 The cover is sewed with paper cards in between.
 Papers are binded in a few signatures.
A little book for my friend.
May it be a journal for her travels. 
Jot down......
 a walk in the beach.....
 flapping in the breeze....
listen to the wave ......
 Whatever purposes.... this is a book of friendship.

Ada, hope you love this little journal specially made for you.
Happy fall to all !
Linking with KatherinesCorner
Linking with CreativePrincess
Linking with finecraftguild


  1. Your journals are just lovely! And the photographs of your surroundings are too.

  2. Your journals made with the leaves are gorgeous! I love how you've tied them with real leaves!

  3. they are just beautiful. lucky recipients.

  4. Your journals and your photography are works of art!!!

  5. what an amazing gift, I love the print the leaves make , just so beautiful.You are such a talented artist!

  6. Oh -- super lucky Ada. Your friend will treasure her book. They're both so very soft and beautiful...and I love your picture story.

  7. What a truly beautiful gift!! She will treasure it always I am sure! I'm so glad you are doing workshops...you are so good at this!!

  8. There gorgeous Terri, your friend Ada is going to love it, lucky girl :)

  9. Yes, they are gorgeous. Of course, Ada will ove hers; Wonderful blog post and story..and beautiful prints, as always!!
    What does Mogi think of these book?

    1. Thanks Ginny, Mogi may put his footprints on it. Show him next time ~.~ !

  10. Your books are darling and would make wonderful little journal books for writing daily thoughts and blessings. Your friend will cherish this gift and what a lucky friend.
    (((HUGS))) Susanne :)

  11. As always, your projects are so beautiful! Thanks again for stopping by my blog. It's great to say 'hi' from the other side of the pond. I hope your beautiful kitty is doing well!

  12. Lovely books. It will be well received. I have never dye with paper. How long do you steam it for? Thanks Nat

    1. Thanks Nat. Steamed for an hour but before that you've to dip the papers in water better with vinegar diluted, with some iron fabric scraps in between outlines of leaves are obvious.

  13. Journals like these deserve a very precious content.

  14. Beautiful! I love the way you have tied it with a strip of eco print fabric and real leaves.. What a lovely gift!

    1. Thank you Deborah. You're very observant you noted the strip. Yes I tore it from the same dyed cotton to tie it. Way of origin.

  15. Those journals are beautiful...and I love the way you photographed them on the water's edge....You do such gorgeous work!!

  16. Terrie, those are really, really lovely. You're so creative!

  17. Wow, the process is so interesting and the end result is lovely. Thank you for joining in the fun at the Thursday Favorite Things hop. Happy weekend wishes xo

  18. am seeing these for the second time now, and they are simply stunning. Love 'm! Thank you for linking it up at http://www.finecraftguild.com . A new party will open tomorrow... and I would love to see something new... Till then!
