

Sunday, October 28, 2012

My first nuno felt garment student 我的第一位nuno felt 背心學生

 Making wool felt garment is not that simple.  Quite technical to do the right size, not to mention to teach students to make for their own.
Truly the cost of tutorial is quite steep. I have never offered to give a class.
Today my student WW has the honor (I'm too arrogant !!??) to follow me.
WW is interested so my pleasure to teach her individually in my yard.
做羊毛戟絨衣服要做到合適個人要有技巧, 有點難度, 學費及材料不便宜, 所以不曾應教學生, WW有熱誠想學, 今日就趁好天氣在我家露台利用一個星期天做了這件背心.
WW很聰敏, 她祗是第二次玩羊毛氈工藝便很好的掌握完成, 這個冬天暖暖啊 !
 We used the Wensleydale and Gotland fleece. I love the smell of raw fleece.
 Almost finished the fleece layering
 Wet it
 Quality control by Mogi
 Rock and roll for hundreds times.....
 Finished -  front look
 Back look
 Reverse side - front look
 Back look
 A reversible vest is done
 Steps of making
 WW, have a warm winter
I hope it's not too tired for a 5-hour making a vest.
Thanks WW for coming and well done. 


  1. It really is a long job, isn't it. Well done to both teacher and pupil!

  2. it is all worth the long job, the vest is amazing! Just so lovely, you are such a talented teacher, I also love your quality control officer!

  3. You make it look so easy in the photos, until I read... 5 hours. Hard work, but totally worth it. Looks great!!!

  4. Beautiful! You are a natural teacher, I wish I was closer, I would love to spend a day learning from you!

  5. I didn't realize this process takes so much time. In the end, your student has a beautiful garment to wear!
