

Monday, September 10, 2012

Color from Mother Nature 奇妙色調

For the preparation of upcoming eco print workshop I tried the fabrics bought.  I'm serious in teaching.  I make sure the materials are good. Done a few pieces in the last 24 hours.  
All with fresh or dried euc leaves, barks, rose leave, air roots..... 

 Leaves prints on a wool felt scarf
  Different shades of orange color of euc leaves.  All are strong 
 Soft and light chiffon scarf with fresh euc leaves
 My first trial with banyan tree air roots to make a painting of "grasses and flowers"
 Folded to have double side
 I may make a tote bag with this double-sided fabric
  Floating in the air
 Propellent of curiosity of eco print will be long.  We've a saying "A journey of thousand miles begins with a single step".  There're lots to discover, lots to experiment. 
 Are  the 4-legged ones walking faster to success !!??
 Mogi - my 4-legged.  I count on him to  show my piece in a good manner.

Oh dear,  you. behave...... 
 Prints of bayan tree air roots are wonderful to discover.  Tried before the leaves but no avail.
 But the thriving leaves are good shade for sunshine and rains
 A bounty of beauty from Mother Nature.
 Curiosity of eco print drives me into never ending experiment.
Mogi said, "mum, do whatever you like, whatever you find happines but don't bother me.  I wish I've wings to fly......" 
  Linking with Happyhourprojects
Linking with FineCraftGuild


  1. Love the chiffon scarf - looks charming!

  2. Oh Terrie!! These pieces are so exquisite!!! You make such beautiful things... these are truly wonderful and stunning!!

  3. LOL! I love, love, love your beautiful experiments! And Mogi is the cutest, sweetest little creature. Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving such a lovely compliment.

  4. Hi Terrie. These scarves are fabulous! Love them so much...
    Nice to meet you=]

  5. REALLY lovely work!!! Beautiful and inspiring. Thank you for sharing and contributing to the link party at http://www.FineCraftGuild.com/party/

  6. Entre vos....tus bellezas y la ternura de Mogi....que pena que estes tan lejos.....siento mucha admiraciòn por tus trabajos,sòlo son bellezas y mucha sensibilidad.me haces temblar cuando trabajas con las texturas......son adorables......te admiro con toda mi alma.Un abrazo para vos.....y tu Mogi.
