

Friday, September 7, 2012

How come the tortoiseshell dye ? 怎麼會是玳瑁色?

 Done the eco dye on a habotai fabric intended to get the leaves print.  How come it looks like this?  Total out of my expectation - terrible.  Got to learn from error.
這件絲質料是用植物印染, 本意想要有明顯的葉紋效果, 誰知一團糟,  太深色, 好似玳瑁色, 可能是布料不洽當曾浸在鹽水? 還得要再做實驗.
 Thought fabric soaked in sea water for mordant would get nice effect.  Instead I soaked my white habotai fabric in salt-solved water, bundled around the iron cans and  boiled for an hour in the dye pot with eucalyptus leaves and barks.  Challenged my patience to wait for some 10 days to unbundle.......
 OMG, very disappointed, only a few marks of leave.  Most part is dark with can marks and brown of euc dye pot. 
Not my cup of tea.  

 Mogi, "Mum, what's that?"
 "Mum, smell of euc is good and the white string mark seems not that bad."
 "Mum always plays tricks on me and challenges my patience"
 "Well, I'm always a good guy to demo"
 "Should I change my fur to tortoisehsell look like this one?"

Daunting at times but learning from errors and trials is way to success.  Well. this weekend will do some more euc prints experiments on silk fabrics and wool felt scarf for my upcoming class.  Better to keep this in stash for sometime.
Thanks for stopping by.  Have a nice weekend.
Linking with HappyHourProjects


  1. That's one very patient cat you've got there!

  2. Not really error, I think it looks great. Maybe it is a lesson to accept the journey of the leaves in the water with the rust can to whatever it wants to become. Maybe???

    1. Thanks. Yes, I should accept Eco print is unique and every piece is one of it's kind and appreciate what ever it is.

  3. Ha! Mogi does look quite dashing with the tortoiseshell wrap!

  4. your model is a beauty and very co operative as well, lol, lovely Mogli, I like this new design very much, its very earthy, wonderful for Fall,

  5. sorry I miss spelled your name Mogi!! Shame on me!!!

  6. I actually like the pattern and colors of this. Put it aside and look at it later from fresh eyes. It is modern looking to me. Nice.

  7. I like your results too! The white string doesn't bother me a bit, in fact I rather enjoy it. I think that sometimes when our results aren't what we are hoping for, we are disappointed. Mother Nature often has her own plans, doesn't she? LOL


    1. Thanks Judy. You are right, we should appreciate the process of Mother Nature. No, I love it and doing a few pieces and will see how they look.

  8. You know what Terrie... I can see this cloth used as a gift wrapping all tied with ribbon... perhaps around a book??

  9. I liked the look of the dyed fabric too, although when one is expecting something totally different it is a great disappointment. You are quite right, it is part of the learning . .

  10. Maybe you see a disappointment and someone else sees something uniquely different with possibilities? I suppose if you were expecting something quite different then you have a right to be unhappy with the results. I do think Mogi is not worried, he has found something to keep him entertained. Pretty lady, you show us so many lovely things you have made, like you said, it was a learning experience. Hope for better outcome for you next time.
    (((HUGS))) Susanne :)

    1. Thanks Susanne. You are sweet. Dyeing virus is eating me. I'm hooked and have just done a few pieces for class sample. Bright ones and wIll show next.

  11. Ah yes, the dyeing virus; Mogi is patient and of course he doesn't think you will trade him in for a tortoise shell kitty! I actually like your tortoiseshell piece a lot; can understand the disappointment etc..but though it is different than the style you usually like, I think it is marvelous.. maybe it will 'grow on you."

    1. Ginny, see you're also exploring the fun of eco print and dye. Love your pieces with pink effect. I can accept the process is one of a kind outcome. No matter how it looks I can make use of it by transforming to fabric stuff. Stitches on it or anything...... Love the magic of Mother Nature.

  12. Well...in my opinion...it's QUITE beautiful! You can always do another 'treatment' to it as I'm sure Mogi would love to model his way into complete stardom with it.

  13. I like it Terrie.. I know its not what you were hoping for, but its a very striking print and lovely rich colour.
