

Monday, December 12, 2011

My Christmas sale 聖誕特賣

CC of my ceramic studio was so kind to have invited and offered us the free spaces in her studio for a afternoon Christmas sale of local artisans' DIYs. I've never thought of selling my wool stuff in open sale. It's a good time to showcase my wool works. Not meant to sell all what I have done but just a few of each. Before taking the stuff to the studio I took a pic of those going to sell.

沒想過要公開售賣我的羊毛制作, 陶瓷室的 CC慷慨的免費讓我們本地手作人在她的工作室聖誕特賣, 這是難得的機會展示我的製作. 我沒有廣邀朋友, 祗想試試其他人對羊毛氈工藝製作的反應, 我的好友Amy 很幫忙的和我”撐場”。

這一次是很好的經驗, 在三小時的展賣, 售出12件作品, Nuno felt圍巾特別受歡迎。這個嗎... 在香港乃是新製作!  With this handy & sharp champagne gift-box, I carried all the stuff to the studio. I didn't inform my friends for the sale as I didn't want them to do the courteous buy. This was to test water to see how other people like the wool items.After a Vitnamese lunch with my good friend Amy, she went with me to the studio for this simple set up.

There're other artisans' handmade leather works, jewlery, accessories of fabrics, enamel, silver, soaps, crocketed dolls... Fun to interact and great to have sold 12 pieces in 3 hours. Most are nuno felt scarves, handbag and 3D vessels. So I know what are good sales.


  1. wow,great sales, good for you, I'm not surprised your work is beautiful!!

  2. Wonderful! That is great and you have some extra cash to buy more wool and supplies!

  3. That's so exciting that you did your first sale! Congratulations, sounds like it was a great start. :)

  4. Congratulations on your sales, Terrie! It is always a little scary to get your work out there at first, but it makes one feel so good when people respond to it!

  5. Congrats on the sales. This should encourage you to do more.

  6. That is wonderful! Your creations are absolutely beautiful and I;m not surprised to see them sell...I have often thought you need to have a selling venue... I hope you get a lot more selling opportunities! :)

  7. That is wonderful Terrie. SO happy for you. You have beautiful things to offer.

  8. Congratulations, Terrie! It's like a day of fun plus market research!! :)

  9. congrats..yes it is a good way to see what sells by not telling friends and family about it. but the strange thing l find is this...every time different things seem to sell. I think it is all to do with the time of year, where you are selling and colours for the year. I think l have just discovered what to create and other things sell. I just love this Art World.xxxhaxx oh p.s. loved your workx

  10. Congratulations on your sale! Looks like you are on your way! :-)

  11. We never get what our creative works are worth, but it is fun to see that others appreciate what we have made. Congrats on your first show!

  12. Congratulations Terri on the sale of your beautiful creations. I hope you will get the chance to sell again.

  13. Wow done! Your works are so beautiful...definitely a must buy for those who have change to see them! Please come and link up your inspiring project at the world creative blog hop I'm hosting this month ...http://meijosjoy.blogspot.com/2011/11/happy-wednesday.html
