

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Wool felt picture bag for PandaGirl 送給熱愛熊貓的友人

My friend Christine S. is a panda fanatic. Her home is a museum of panda - all sorts of panda related stuff you can find. I intended to make her a 3D wool felt panda. Did try to make the head but no good and gave up. Thought a 3D panda she can get anywhere (actually I'm not good in needle felt !!). I finally made a wool felt picture with the panda then sewed on a bag, it's more functional. She didn't know I've done this yet. The bag's on the way flying from Hong Kong to Australia.

Steps of making it:

1. First I made the pre-felt and cut the head, body and limbs

2. Laid the wool picture with mountain, trees, flowers, then put the pre-felt panda on it

3. After fully felted, I stitched knots on the flowers to make it a different look on wool felt

4. I used the fabric scraps to make a bag

5. Finally finished the bag with sewing machine
This is a reversible bag .

Turn it over, one side of it's look.

The other side of the it with inner pocket.
The front side of the bag with the panda holding a carrot. I call it a naive panda.

The back side I put on a my own made ceramic bird. Thought I should have done something on the back as well. This looks too plain.

Christine can use this bag to carry lunch to office, pack snacks to Tai Chi session, to the Rainforest, to the Monkey Mountain picnic, to the Big Pineapple to buy ginger candies......

or, carry books to the library......

I love making gifts for good friends. In the process I'd think how we spent times together and how would my friend like my thoughts behind. Making this bag I recalled our memories when my family visited Christine to the places we enjoyed so much. Well, time flies it's a matter of 19 years ago when we last visited Brisbane. See the above picture of mosaic I recently put on some macadamia nuts my daughter picked in Christine's yard. The mosaic is a drainage cover in my patio. I enhanced it with sorts of stones, nuts and broken ceramics I picked outside. This forms a "memory cover" !

Christine, just hope you love this bag.

Linking with HappyHourProjects

Linking with Creative Princess party


  1. it beautiful, such a work of art! Your friend will cherish this gift as I 'm certain she cherishes your friendship as well,

  2. Darling bag! So neat how you personalized it for your friend!

  3. If she does not like this bag then you can send it to me, ha ha ha. I am sure she will absolutely love it and your thoughtfulness in making it especially for her. What a great friend you are!

  4. Oh wow, what a lovely bag. You do awesome work!!

  5. LOVE it!!! The Panda scene is just terrific! And I love the color and pattern of the blue 'inner pocket'...What a wonderful bag...she is going to be thrilled I'm sure! :)

  6. Your Panda bag is darling. I love that little Panda. Your friend will love it too and remember the the good times you have had.
