

Friday, December 9, 2011

Thank you and giveaways announced 謝謝問候及小禮物得主 .......

It's a week. My eye's getting better though seeing distance is a bit blurred. Hope to have 100% recovery soon. Special thanks for those who left words on my blog. I promised to pick up a winner who can get my wool felt covered book. This wool felt covered book goes to one of the following bloggers who left comments :
1. Laura

2. Heather Woollove

3. laurie

4. Barb and Dell

5. Ellen

6. Susanne

7. Sandee

8. Clasheen

9. MaryL

10. andrea

11. Deborah

The Random.Org generated no. is ........

No. 9, this book goes to MaryL. Thank you MaryL and all. Your words soothed my pains.

I'll not forget my Facebook friends who left words on my shared link. Thank you to

1. V Lam

2. A Wong

3. C Choi

4. J Li

5. J Leung

6. J Ng

7. I Leong

8. D Tang

9. C Smerdon

10. V Leung

11. E Yik

Your words healing me fast. I've made another wool felt covered book and the book will go to one of you.

This book also made of nuno felt technique and the silk texture is of onion dye.

The generated no. is 5. This book goes to J. Leung. Thank you Judy.

My works are not that prefect but I hope people would appreciate DIYs and the OOAKs. Wool is a versatile medium. Sheep are beautiful and lovely creatures. We hope the industry of wool will be going on with creativity and wool felt will become more popular.......

MaryL and Judy Leung please send me (terrieakwong@gmail.com) your mailing address. I'll post by registered mail to your doorstep. Once again BIG THANK YOU to YOU all my friends.

"Oh, you're watching me! Am I pretty?"

"Yes, you're wonderful!"

Today's our wedding anniversary. I promised hubby to prepare BBQ to celebrate with family. It's time to do shopping. See you until next.


  1. I hope you had a wonderful celebration!! Congratulations to the winners.

  2. Oh Terrie!! I am beyond thrilled!!! To actually have this beautiful gift from your own hand is indeed a blessing!! Hugs to you for your continued healing and a very Happy Anniversary to you both! :)))

  3. What a generous giveaway. Congrats to the winners. Actually, we are all winners just by the sharing you do with your photos and tutorials on your blog. Happy Anniversary!

  4. congratulations to the winners!!!
    Happy Aniversary, enjoy your day with family and friends and of course your sweet heart!

  5. Congratulations to the winners.
    Happy Anniversary! Enjoy the time with your family.

  6. Yes, enjoy your anniversary, congrats to the lucky winners-beautiful books-and keep healing well , Terrie.
