

Friday, June 24, 2011

Hong Kong city escape 香港咫尺之寧謐

Hong Kong is a renowned financial centre and a dynamic city with high rises. A panoramic view from The Peak down to the Victoria Harbour is just like a cement forest. 香港 - 動感之都, 萬丈高樓拔地而起, 視平線高於太平山頂了! 我還是較喜愛夕陽西沉島嶼間的遠眺落日景致. The other side is stunning sunset on the outlying islands. This is the view I love most. Hong Kong, in the South China just a stone's throw there are most striking and valuable natural landscapes and the numerous outlying islands are of scenic and geologic beauty. 香港處於南中國的彈丸之地, 周邊無數大小島嶼有怡人青蔥山野, 亦有地質奇突崖石.

I've a couple who lives a sequestered life in a village on Lantau - the largest outlying island in Hong Kong. Last Sunday I visited them. Their house located in the grassy hillside with magestic peaks rearing up behind. It's only an hour traffic from the city but its natural landscape is totally different from the bustle and hustle urban. 朋友夫婦在大嶼山的一條小村過著隱居生活, 日前探訪. 村子離港島一小時左右的交通, 屋子座落青翠山麓, 抵埗已感寧謐.

Next to the main block is a storage house with Chinese typical tiles and little wooden door. 房子側的一所貯藏室有很典型的中國瓦頂及兩扇木門.

We'd seafood barbarcue on a stove made of tree trunk and a used wok. Such an eco-friendly idea of re-do. 朋友很環保的以樹幹及舊鑊子自制燒烤爐, 給我們很美味的海鮮餐.

There're cows resting on the path. They're actually offsprings of abandoned cows left by farmers some years ago. Hundreds of them roaming on the island but are tame. 對都市人的我, 見到牛群為之雀躍. 島上這些牛群大多是以前被農民遺棄現在隨處流浪, 但牠們很溫馴. A path leading to the beach and cows were wandering for grasses. They're roaming and eating freely. On their backs were food chain for birds ! 牛群自由的在草地吃草, 鳥兒也忙在牛背上覓食.

Stunning and varied scenery just over the house balcony. At 4pm the moon was already in the blue sky. We seen it because the air was so clear. 蔚藍天空, 青翠山巒, 月兒早於午後四時已高高掛上.

After barbarcue we took the path leading to the sandbar which meets the streams. Such a beautiful view of dusk. 沿小路走五分鐘到小灣頭, 正藉潮退日落, 好一刻良辰美景 !

Wow, to my surprise there're buffalos ! What a good view ! 還有大水牛漫步灘頭!

Almost getting dark the buffalos were still there. I thought they would sleep in the tranqulity. It's time I got to go with memories of greenery and cows. 晚了, 大水牛還不歸家? 可能大地就是牠們的家!

I tried to make a wool felt picture with the theme of what I've captured. What a mess of cows and house ! Admitted I'm failed. 我回家記著那青山景物做一幅羊毛晝, 但屋子與牛 一團糟的.

I turned the cows to sheep and used pre-felt to make a house. Still it doesn't look good. The path should be twisted and a bit narrower. 我唯有把牛以針氈改做羊兒及把屋用預氈羊毛塊貼上, 但看來路也該是曲窄些會好一點.

Again, I turned the back over and needle felted the sheep and two houses. Sheep are more easy to make then cows. Now it looks like a picture of lake and river with sheep. This picture was done from my imagination and not in proportion. 我把晝的底部加上幾隻羊及屋後, 又是一幅雙面晝了, 不過路好像變了是河流, 天空變了湖水 ? 這晝真是要以"想像" 觀看 !

Linking to Debbie Doo's Newbie party


  1. I love how you salvaged this piece! Good work!

  2. such a beautiful place to live.The lush forest in comparism to the city scape and in such close proximity, amazing,,, the BBQ is such a good idea,, we all should reuse and try to do things like this.The photos of the sand bar are beautiful,, i love the cows sitting on the road,, no one owns them yet tehy go wild safely,, no one shoots them for food?I love your felt piece its beautiful,, and mostly I love that you did it your way,

  3. Thank you Laura and Laurie. Luckily no one shoot the cows for food but sadly a afew were stubbed for they ate the farmers produce. Fortunately they're still alive. I know they're well protected by some voluntees.

  4. what a nice place and a super idea to capture that feeling in felt. I think you have done a wonderfull job on that!! Thanks for sharing your visit!!

  5. 你好厉害。用风景做NUNO画本来就不是件容易的事,你还可以变通。。。无语!
    Lantau is in my itinerary, i hope i have enough time to explore its beauty.

  6. I love to have insight to life over across the oceans..your art is so nice. I love the look of it... so soft and calming

  7. Thanks Terrie. Hong Kong looks absolutely beautiful!

  8. Hi Terrie, I got you lovely bookmark yesterday, thanks, I love it. Is your address Blk-C, G/F ? I want to send you a thank-you! Such lucky cows to roam around so freely. I like your term "concrete forest" it does look like that! Love your dolls they are so "one of a kind" with their pretty dresses. I like how your wool pic turned out. I've always wanted to visit HK. So pretty!

  9. LOVE these photos of HK and the island you visited. It's so different from where I live! I love the cows and buffalo around. HK is on my life list of places to visit. That skyline is beautiful and I could already feel the city's energy!

    Your felt 'landscape' came out wonderful. It's great how you were able to improvise and change the final outcome...just lovely.

    Have a great rest of the week. xJosie

    P.S. I received your sweet package and I LOVE your little felt purse. I'll blog about it as soon as I can. Big hugs to you for such a lovely gift :-)

  10. Thanks Annielizebath and Josie. Nice that the bookmark and little felt purse are in your hands.
