

Friday, July 1, 2011

My exclusive model of nuno felt dresses 我的御用模特兒

Friends asked me what am I up to. I always said hooked with nuno felt. After Vilte's workshop in Truus's studio, I almost addicted every other weekend doing experiment with nuno felt. Have made a few pieces and need a perfect fit to demonstrate . My girl Jasmine Y. is second to none. On a fine day today with hubby we've taken some pictures.

朋友問我最近忙什麼, 我總是說又是 nuno felt. 真的我簡直痴迷去嚐試, 做了的裙子要有尚佳的模特兒為我展示才行, 我女兒 Jasmine 正是我的御用模特兒. 藉著今日假期我們拍了一輯相片.

Who said wool is only for winter and preception is thick ? No, a nuno felt dress can be a summer casual or elegant wear.

一般人感覺羊毛祗做厚暖衣物, 其實 nuno felt 裙子也可以是夏日衣裳.

It' light and just like dancing in the air.
This is inspired by Vilte's wedding wear. It can be a fairly lady's little dress.

This piece was a classwork made in Truss's studio with Vilte's instruction.

這一件是我跟Vilte 的堂上作品, 我修收了一點便合適 Jasmine 的身
形, 所以話 nuno felt 不用針不用線就可修改得宜

I modified it after the workshop to fit my daughter.

Three different styles with different textures.
三款不一樣的設計,頭飾也是 nuno felt.

The middle one with nuno felt shawl.

中間的被肩也是nuno felt

Mother and daughter. My top is also a nuno felt eco-dyed with
eucalyptus barks.
我穿著的 nuno felt 上衣是以桉樹皮漂染的顏色

Close up of a nuno felt shawl. I'm really into wool felt particularly nuno felt. Vilte's works are inspiring. I strongly recommend her workshops. There're two in Sept. in Holland, details here.

Linking with Debbie Doo's Newbie party


  1. wow, the work is stunning,, your daughter is just beautfiul,, she looks like you.I had no idea one could create such beautiful pieces from this medium.You are a master crafts person with the Nuno wool,

  2. I am absolutely astounded!!! You have found your 'niche' for sure! What beautiful work and such a lovely daughter! :) I especially love the soft layered look and angle on the wedding dress... just wonderful. And I also really love the photo with her hat on by the seashore!

    By the way, I got your wonderful little bookmark in the mail the other day! So special and I will treasure it! Thank you so much!!

  3. Terrie these pieces are truly beautiful, so delicate and absolutely stunning, and such gorgeous photos too, you have created such wearable art. I struggle with nuno, I did have a go at a sort-of cobweb felt last week but it's too thick - more practice needed! xx

  4. Stunning! Your creations are lovely and your daughter is such a perfect model. WOW!

  5. Wow! Terrie, these are stunning, gorgeous,delicate and graceful -as others have said...and make a powerful impression. You are making marvelous things and all your pieces, on your daughter and on you are a delight to see.

  6. WOW!!!!! You are really amazing Terrie!! All the pieces are stunning! And your angel is beautiful! SWEET!
    Ever thought of open up classes teaching nuno felt?

  7. Boy, Terrie-When you learn something, you sure learn it WELL!!! These are stunning, as is your daughter and YOU! You certainly don't look old enough to have a grown daughter, and your new garments are amazing!!
    Congratulations on this lovely new trend in your work.
    I look forward to what's coming next!! XXO-

  8. Thank you all ladies for your sweet comments. Nuno felt is really interesting and versatile in style. A dress is only a dress on a hanger or in a wardrobe. When it's on a body it speaks well - it's a fashion.

  9. I have to come back to look at your post again. All the piece are really gorgeous. And your beautiful model...

  10. Beautiful work and beautiful model! These photos show your work off so well

    You dresses are so light and floaty - absolutely love them! The hat looks wonderful with the nuno scarf wrapped around it.


  11. What an amazing work of art! It is the first time Ive seen a dress made from nuno. Wow! And thank you for dropping by my blog. Google has been playing up lately! So hopefully I will have you on board as a follower soon. Julie

  12. Hi, Ive added a footnote to my post linking your blog. Julie

  13. The dress is amazing! Your daughter makes the perfect model for it.

  14. The dress is amazing! Your daughter makes the perfect model for it.

  15. So lovely and elegant!!! Beautiful work!

  16. Hi Terrie! Just a quick note to let you know that your comments are coming through on my blog...it just takes me time to check 'moderator' some days :) So happy people can comment again! :)

  17. Beautiful beautiful work! You have done an amazing job.... felt can be used in such gorgeous wearable art I never knew until now! Thanks for visiting me and leaving me a sweet comment. Enjoyed reading it so much. I'm your newest follower.You and your daughter look sooo beautiful! Amazingly beautiful pictures. When you sign into your google account uncheck the "Keep me signed in box"... uncheck that box... then you can leave comment in your name. Hope this helps. Thanks for sharing this beautiful post with us. Have a wonderful week!~Poppy


  18. Oh Terrie, What absolutely stunning creations, love, love, love 'em! Your daughter is gorgeous and she looks allot like you! You have inspired me so much to learn more about felting. How I would love to go to Holland and learn from your teacher! When you feel ready you should teach this lovely art form. I have sewn all my life and have always used someone else's fabric. Here you've made the fabric and then designed from there. I think that is what I like about crochet also, is the fact that you make the fabric as well as the design. There is a natural progression to want to learn more. Your work really warms my soul! Now I'm going to go look at your dresses again!!!!

    Happy day to you and thanks for stopping by to say hi.

  19. Thank yo so much for you all ladies' sweet comments. Nuno felt is amazing. Hope to create more to share. ~.~

  20. I love these photos with those dresses so elegant, so beautiful. I wish you a happy summer.

  21. WOW to the dress and WOW to the gorgeous photos! Thank you so much for stopping by my blog, hope to see you more often :)


  22. So beautiful. Your daughter is gorgeous and the dresses are fantastic too. I especially love the dress in the first photo.

    1. Thank you Joyful. Nuno felt dresses are unique and creative to play with.
