

Friday, June 17, 2011

Play with my magic hands 讓我變 變 變 ......

Hairless and limbless isn't ugly but my magic hands can make you even prettier.....

Haven't made ceramics for long since indulged in wool crafts. I don't want to stop my long time cultivated ceramics. Thus come out the idea of wool and ceramic crossover. With my recently learned skills of nuno felt I first made the ceramic doll body then made the dresses. Put together the ropes for limbs, put on hair and hat. It become a cutie doll.

Let's walk hand in hand and go for a garden party.

Below shows how I made it. 1. Make a ceramic body, glazed and highfired.

2. Make a nuno felt dress with wool between resist and covered with chiffon.

3. Put on the dress.

4. Put on hair and do the touching.

Here it is.For a bigger doll ceramic made is tougher. Alternatively smaller ones made of paper clay is also a good option. My mother always said how come I've made so many ceramic stuffs and I don't have much room to place. I said I enjoy it and love to give away on friend's special occasion. One of the above dolls will be a gift for my good colleague's sweetie who's name is J, same as my daughter's. J's birthday is on 27 June.

Have a nice day.

I'm linking up with Keeping it Simple


  1. these are so sweet,, I'm so limited in space in my apartment.We lived in a house then when my husband retired ( early retirement) at age 51 we took an apartment,, not alot of space for extras.I love the dolls and I do the same thing with my paintings, give to friends and family for gifts,, I do sell some also.

  2. That is a beautiful combination of your crafts! They are adorable.

  3. Yo Terrie~ these ladies are gorgeous! I bought 3 pairs of these dolls last few weeks but i think yours look much nicer!

  4. They are adorable and sweet, made me smile in the morning,Terriea!

  5. Sweet and adorable. What a lovely way to showcase your creativity")

  6. What an incredible transformation!! These are absolutely wonderful!! Great Job... :)))

  7. These are adorable! I love how you combined both ceramics and wool!

  8. Terrie ~ You are so talented! I love the dolls! Thanks for sharing ... you do such a wonderful job on your crafts.

  9. I am glad that my photos may inspire you. Hong Kong Beautiful photos and delicious dolls with beautiful designs. regards,
    I wish you a happy summer.

  10. Thanks for the link Terrie,
    before I start practicing, I have to get all material.
    Meantime I'll have some interesting Japanese felt dolls from a Japanese festival in Vancouver soon on my blog.
    Very inspiring, like yours!
