

Sunday, December 2, 2018

Another yellow prints 又見黃花

Since back from Israel last week I was so lazy because of jet lag.  My heart left in Israel and always recalling days playing prints with plants particularly with the yellow flowers.  Now we're into early winter, mountains with blooming wild tithonia.  I grasped a few and made prints on the fabric Irit Dulman gave me two weeks ago.  Having my tea and piece of homemade tart tartin as well dates and macadamia from Israel was so pleasant.
The mug I made for my late mother on her birthday with the theme of a painting of yellow field done by my French friend Brigitter's partner.  All is a good memory of loved ones.
I'm not busy as a bee, I just like biking and pick some wild flowers then play magic.

Layout of various plants on the pre-mordant knit fabric
After the heat opening with surprise.......

Purple from hibisus and yellow flower from tithonia 

Clear and clean from hibiscus

White from oxalis and green from leaf of solanum torvum
Before & After of the prints

While the bundle of prints was boiling I made the tart tartin. 
My friend Betty in Israel was so nice to give me some macadamia she grown. I have no cracker but a hammer to open.  It's easy.
Enjoyed afternoon tea with everything of my handmade is such a good feel.
We enjoy our day
Life is simple with Mogi and good to have him showing my piece

Hope you enjoy your day as we do.


  1. Beautiful post ❤️
    Brings memories of your visit.
    So glad to see you are over jetlag and back to your routine.
    Anat was here last Friday doing some indigo and me too ��

    1. You've a well equipped studio and all the plants around make all the beautiful prints. Anat must enjoyed being there. I miss you and yogi Anna.

  2. My goodness, Mogi knows what makes him look good, doesn't he!

  3. Absolutely gorgeous prints. I love them. I also love your tart and your beautiful Mogi. ♥

  4. como siempre impresiones maravillosas..es hermoso estar rodeada de bellos colores y cosas
    como tu torta

  5. Hello, my name dyah, from Indonesia ... you have beautiful ecoprint..
