

Monday, November 26, 2018

Fruitful trip from Israel 豐富的以色列之行

Just back from a fruitful trip to Israel for the workshop ran by master Irit Dulman in the beautiful vineyard in her country.  These are the prints done in those days with different colors and shades, all done with local plants and natural materials.

Color from purple, blue, dark...... and simple to rich prints.....
 Shade of prints and dye
The beautiful vineyard turned color in autumn made such a nice scenery with Irit's dog Sofia aroun.

 The spacious venue with everything well organised.

 Other participants shared with me some pretty flowers
 From the other side of the studio. 
 "Hey, Sofia....."
Prints and dyes in logwood and cochinael.
Wow, a cat around my legs seems I'm so welcome.
 Purple shades after logwood dyed.
 Another two pieces dyed in cochinael and logwood.

Prints from leaves of Melia and Nandina on different fabrics with different outcome

 Nandina prints on linen with some discharge effect.
 "Before & After" of prints on silk
 Healthy lunch of Israeli dishes.  I love soup and salad.

 Cheers mates!
 Large pieces made by others in the last two days of the workshop.

 I like so much other mates' prints with assorted leaves.
 We worked till sun set - gorgeous view every evening.
 After the workshop I managed to explore in town.  I walked to Jaffa - old port of historic buildings, galleries and alleys of interest.

 Up to a hill for the overview of Tel Aviv
 Another day leisure strolling along Nahalat Benyamin street of local made items and crafts
 While I was in the street admiring the items and a lady in my front, how lovely to bump into her, the Israeli fashion designer Shahaf Shriki whom we known from facebook.
 Colorful spices in Carmel market
 The long beach and soft sands in the beach
  Watching waves with toast and coffee
 How about seeing the city with two-wheel?
Yes "Cycling is the best way to travel" as Mike (mikeybikey.co.il) said. 
I joined him for the Mediterranean coastline tour along beaches and to the Yarkon Park.

 A fun and beautiful riding in the sands
Mike recommended me the typical local food - Pita stuffed with filafel.  I love it.

The video of our short riding just a good memory of the day.
 Already 10 days and ready to home from Tel Aviv Ben Gurion airport
My flight taking off..... goodbye to the beautiful Mediterranean coastal country Israel
 The 9-hour flight with the full moon in the sky and the rising sun in the east.....

I'm back Hong Kong with the newly built linking bridge to China and Macau underneath.
Home with lots of pretty prints and of course he - Mogi is the happier one to see me home.
 Thank you for Irit's generous teaching and Betty's kindness for my stay.
I will cherish the moment.


  1. What lovely rich colours you are getting there!

  2. I am in New York.
    How can I enter your workshop or visit your place for learning?
    And how much I need prepare money ?
    I really wanna learn but I don't know the way,please give me a guideline.
    Thank you

    1. I learned from master Irit Dulman. If you want info you can search internet her name with keywords workshop you may find more.
