

Sunday, September 3, 2017

London trip 倫敦之行

After my days in Ireland, I back to London for the quiet stay with my very good friend Corrina.  I'm no more a tourist I just like to explore a little this time.  

Leisure on wheels through Green Park to Trafalgar Square

Guard on 4-legged and we're on 2-wheel through Mayfair
Cutty Sark is spacious for the ride

A good day to catch up with Elena in Kew Garden.  Elene is my friend we learnt in Spain last year for eco printing.  The variety of plants and leaves are very interesting to us.  We guessed which yell pigments which not.  Kew Garden is huge that we only saw part of it.  May be next time we can explore more. 

Staying in Corrina's house with her girl Tiffany was most happy.  I showed her to make wool felt flowers and nuno felt scarf as well eco prints of recycled packing paper.

A batch of eco-printed papers for poems writing for the girl
 Corrina and I walked up the hill for the last glimpse of the village, taller and modern buildings are in the far end. 

The shy little ones approaching me and say goodbye.
My leisure UK and Ireland travels ended.  
In a few days I am on road again to Canada for teaching.  I will have some friends reunion and interaction as well.  That will be an exceptional travel from Toronto to Vancouver.  Wish the weather do me kind.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely to spend time with your friends. Have a safe trip to Canada!
