

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Ireland trip 愛爾蘭之旅

Because we are passionate about wool felting and natural printing,  this connects us and made me flew over to the other side of the world....... to meet my brilliant teacher Nicola Brown in Ireland. 
因着共同的興趣,與 Nicola Brown 相知相識亦師亦友,此行與美國友伴 Heather  同行愛爾蘭探訪老師與交流。 Nicola 很熱誠的與我們四處遊覧,參觀她現居的中世紀古城及四周迷人景致,我們互相交流做植物印染,她種植多株桉樹,色調豐富,效果很好。

After a night stayed in London, my flight to Dublin took an hour was rather easy.  It's a beautiful day with rolling clouds over patches of fields in England.
Heather is my friend from the States we learnt in Nicola's Portugal workshop years ago.  We planned this time of travel for the good company.  Nicola fetched us at the airport then directed to a decent garden restaurant for lunch.

Nicola's huge farmhouse in Clasheen is far from Dublin airport, almost 2 hours away. We arrived in a bright summer day that allowed us to walk Freddy, the smart border collie in the field.

The house and the village from inside out are picturesque. The window views are just vivid paintings in the house.
Everyday Nicola drove us to see the beautiful villages and towns. The rolling mountains and landscapes are particularly impressive.

This bridge in Borris was once railways over it.   

The day we walked up the wood in Curracloe was cold and raining but didn't spoil our spirit. 

The miles long beach is Irish Sea bounded by Wales on the south

After a walk by the sea, feel of autumn in the sight. Just love the straw rolls, symbol of harvest.
Horses in Myshall 
Sheep in the mist day
Cow looking for mama...... 
Such lovely days to see the ancient region with rivers, medieval streets and stunning landscapes as well a place rich in culture and craft.

That day we visited Nicola's art exhibition.  While she's busy in explaining her art pieces to visitors,  Heather and I also enjoyed shopping.

I enjoyed my first Irish coffee, creamy with whiskey.  Very tasty.

Nicola made us very delicious Irish dishes and I cooked a simple Chinese meal, "tofu with  mushroom", "fried sprouts & egg", "salmon in tomato".
We spent a leisure day in the capital Dublin, walk in the busy street, visit to the Guinness Storehouse.
Our stay in Nicola's place was wonderful, her kindness to show us around the ancient and contemporary region and generous for the interaction of eco printing and wool felting.  Our sharing of skills and tips was great. Her own grown variety of eucalyptus and local hedgerow vegetation made my eco-prints experiments special.  Heather's idea of layout is creative too.


 Her eucalyptus trees are amazing.Assorted variety of leaf shapes and shades make  colorful prints


I printed a few pieces on linen mainly with cotinus.

I'm happy with all the pretty prints and lots beautiful memories.  Surely I will do something with the fabrics for home decor


Thank you Nicola, I know there're lots to explore behind the doors, I got lots ideas after the visit to Ireland. Love your country and expecting your visit soon. 
寧謐小鎮,熱情主人 Nicola, 謝謝你的招待,不久我們又見面了,期待你重臨香江,我們又再遊山玩水!


  1. I have enjoyed seeing more of the photos here in your blog post..the window frame pix do look like little painting..and it sounds like it was, indeed, a delightful meeting of friends..and lovely results with the felting and eco-print...

    1. Thank you Ginny. Journey is good to meet friends with same passion and share fun in such stunning region.

  2. Lovely scenes. So gad you enjoyed your visit.

  3. Such a fascinating time you all had!

  4. Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful photos and great comments of visual & feelings. Beautiful work.

    1. Thank you Anne. Nice that you like my post of journey.
