

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Natural flower prints 天然花兒印染


 Another good day to do experiment with fallen flowers. 
First time to print the Chinese Hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis) was impressive. Though color is not strong, shape is nice.
那天秋風吹落滿地大紅花, 檢拾花兒加點草和葉子回家做了實驗, 淡淡粉紅與粉綠, 好一片柔和的印料.
To work with techniques learnt from Irit Dulman. I made this tube width knit silk jersey with prints on front and back. 

This is Chinese Hibiscus.  The day I walked up the trail behind my area, found lots of fresh fallen flowers that triggered my experiment with it.  Collected a few sumac leaves and other climbing plants on the road side, immediately I bundle boiled the fabric after mordant treatment.

Wow, opened it  to my surprise it works.  Outcome is soft with other leaves on the fabric.

 Before and after of the prints
Since it's tube width, either side can be front or back.
Side A of the fabric

 Side B of the fabric

 Last week I buried myself in the dye pot for the experiment of techniques learnt in Irit's workshop in Spain. Doing this is to refresh my skills on our native plants with different ways of dyeing and mordant.
I received some queries about the making.  As code of ethics and respect to the teacher, excuse me not going into details but I am happy to share the outcome of my experiment as  reference of feasible flowers or plants for the techniques for anyone who already know the skills. 

The knit silk jersey of 3 different prints on the dummy.   
Fabric will be sewed into garment after I have ideas of making.


  1. It's always fascinating to see what happens with each of the plant materials!
